Page 662 - Atlas of Creation Volume 3
P. 662


                                 oral degeneration constantly increases. Behavior that was disapproved of, scorned, forbidden
                                 or condemned a few generations before gradually becomes accepted, even sought after, and
                  M widely practiced—a very important question of which most people are unaware. Lifestyles

                  and behavior until recently regarded as immoral are now permissible under the name of "different choic-
                  es." Perversions such as homosexuality are accepted. Aggression in society; the rise in fraud; the way that
                  spouses can easily deceive each other and sometimes both come to live with this; the serious rise in divorce
                  and in drug and alcohol addiction; increases in such crimes as robbery and muggings; the way that people

                  can commit murder without any qualms, the rise in the crime rate; the way people have no respect left for
                  one another, the spread of gossip—these are just a few ways in which moral degeneration manifests itself.
                  This situation, particularly prevalent in some Western countries, clearly shows how dangerous this de-
                  generation is.

                       At the root of all this lie the incorrect answers to the question of why human beings exist. The truth is
                  that people exist in order to know God, their Creator. In the verse, "Only in the remembrance of God can
                  the heart find peace" (Surat ar-Ra'd, 28), God reveals that there is only one source of the peace that people
                  seek in the wrong places. The religious moral lifestyle commanded by God will bring a person peace and

                  happiness in the world.
                       Ignoring this fact brings with it moral degeneration, and produces unhappiness, despair, and depres-
                       One major cause of this moral corruption is the Darwinist ideology defining a human being not as a

                  servant of God, but as a selfish animal that came into being by chance. According to this unscientific claim,
                  a human should not be expected to have different laws and moral values from those of an animal. Life is
                  a struggle, and human beings must be totally ruthless, fighting tooth and nail with one another.
                       This means total contempt for proper moral values. In his book Defeating Darwinism, Professor Phillip

                  E. Johnson of the University of California, Berkeley writes of the negative effects that have appeared in so-
                  ciety since the 1960s with the weakening of religious beliefs and the prevalence of a materialist world view:

                       It would be roughly accurate to say that the 1960s marked the second American Declaration of Independence,
                       ... [the declaration of some people's detachment] from God. One might expect far reaching moral and legal con-
                       sequences to follow from such a declaration, and so they did.      159

                       The molecular biologist Michael Denton states that it's impossible to analyze the troubles that left their

                  mark on the 20th century without considering Darwinism:

                       The twentieth century would be incomprehensible without the Darwinian revolution. The social and political
                       currents which have swept the world in the past eighty years would have been impossible without its intellec-

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