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                                                              FROM THE INTERIM
                                                              CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

            Thank you sincerely to team SANEDI for their invaluable   As  technologies  such  as  mini-grid  and  hybrid  solutions
            contributions and commitment to making the Institute the   continue  to  develop  and  mature,  opportunities  for
            success it has grown to be.                       innovative  energy  solutions  that  can  make  a  meaningful
                                                              contribution  towards  community  development  are
            Successful  collaboration  between  SANEDI  and  industry   becoming increasingly relevant towards improved energy
            has allowed us to drive several research, development and   access.  In  this  regard,  SANEDI’s  Programmes  individually
            pilot projects that will contribute to the national energy   and  collectively  contribute  towards  energy  development
            objectives as demonstrated in the subsequent pages.  In   and innovation in this area.
            this regard, SANEDI has facilitated and supported a number
            of  national  and  provincial  departments  to  understand
            possible  mitigation  actions  that  would  lead  to  a  more
            efficient and swift deployment of renewable energy in the

            Although  there  has  been  great  success  in  attracting
            funding  from  external  service  providers,  there  has  been
            a significant decline in third-party funds available towards
            renewable  technologies  as  a  result  of  policy  changes  by
            some  international  governments  and  donors  who  are
            beginning to focus on countries less developed than South
            Africa  in  the  developing  world.    This  significant  decline
            poses a tremendous threat to funding stability of SANEDI
            given its already constrained budget.  We are also aware of
            the fiscal challenges faced by the fiscus which has led to a
            general decline in research and development.

            In  the  previous  financial  year,  SANEDI  obtained  a  clean
            audit  from  the  Auditor-General.    The  achievement
            confirmed  that  our  efforts  in  maintaining  high  levels  of
            compliance,  sound  financial  management,  transparent
            and efficient procurement systems, were and will continue
            to be successful. This achievement has however, exerted
            additional  pressure  on  the  organisation  to  continue  to
            grow and entrench the set high compliance achievement.

                       SANEDI NEWSLETTER ISSUE 04 | 2017/2018            SANEDI NEWSLETTER QUARTER 2 | 2018/19
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