Page 16 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 16

Micah Rodney (Jason Tandro)
             As  the  Community  Manager  and  prior  Fanworks                       All good things must come to an end, and so the event began to wind down.  It would
             Editor  for,  Micah  knows  his  stuff           have  been  a  seamless  and  tasteful  exit,  except  for  the  later  events  included  alcohol.
             when it comes to the fandom of Final Fantasy.                       Reno and Rude had somehow managed to sneak into the event, perhaps drawn in by
                                                                                 the scent of a predictable joke, and were knocking back shots like soda.
             Versed  in  a  multitude  of  writing  genres  and  FF                  “You see, we need to comment on that alcohol events,” Reno slurred.  “So he makes
             games, there was nothing holding this talented fellow               the Turks do it because we’re always drunk.”
             back in bringing our winners to the fore.
             Among  his  many  pieces  of  fanfic,  his  “Shinra  Inc.               “Why  does  he  make  us  drink,”  Rude  groaned.    “Cause  those  two  whole  scenes
             And” series is one of his most accomplished to date.                where we were in bars.  I mean we got a hard job of course we gotta drink now and
             Besides writing, he performs some fine narration of                     “One trick-pony,” Reno added.  “That’s all he knows how to do. I bet he’s not even
             Creepypasta works and a host of different stories on                building up to a joke or anything.”
             his  Youtube  channel  (under  the  alias,  FearAddict).
             There  you  can  also  find  and  listen  to  his  very  own
             well-received  horror  story,  “The  Baptism”,  as
             published by the Chilling Tales for Dark Nights brand.                                          Extract: Shinra Inc. And KupoCon
                                                                                                          For more, see the end section of this book

             A longtime legend in the FF community, Lic is well-                     “I’ve been meaning to ask,” said Reno. “That guy with the hat. He your granddad, by
             established  as  a  writer  of  exceptional  quality.  Best         any chance?”
             known for her stories in the FFVII fandom, her series,
             “Death  is  Part  of  the  Process”,  is  one  of  her  most            It  was  a  slow  day  in  the  Department  of  Administrative  Research.  Reno,  who’d
             critically-acclaimed.                                               stopped by to shoot the breeze, had put his feet up on the corner of Tseng’s desk, and
                                                                                 was  pointing  at  the  small  tinted  photograph,  six  inches  by  six,  that  Tseng  kept  in  a
             Years of experience, coupled with a career relevant                 camphorwood frame.
             to the contest, Lic was a driving force in shaping our                  “No,” said Tseng.
             Top 3 in the writing category.                                          “I  kind  of  like  it.”    Reno  picked  up  the  frame  to  take a  closer  look.  “With  that  fog
                                                                                 steaming round the trees, and the sun trying to break through. There’s sort of a mystical
             Tempted to read more? Check out the Credits page
             at the end of this book to find out where you can read              vibe to it.  Reminds you of home, huh?”
             more stories.

                                                                                                                  Extract: The Photograph
                                                                                                          For more, see the end section of this book
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