Page 12 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 12
another in confusion. He looked at his trusted human fighter clad in a red warrior’s garb
companions hoping for help, but the hyur finally spoke to the lalafell.
scholar only cleaned her monocle, while the “Ugh, RPers.” The paladin realized that the
miqo’te summoner and roegadyn monk rest of his normal brigade had the same
snickered to one another over the newcomers’ worried look on their faces, but if this was
naiveté. “Let’s start with an easier question. going to succeed tonight then they had no
What are your names?” Although the question choice, but to work with whom they had
was intended for all of them, one man took it available. “Okay, listen. Yes, this is Bahamut
upon himself to answer for the group.
and time’s wasting. We need to start soon. I’ll
“I am the thief. Beside me stands our white provoke and then you’ll take it off me with
mage and black mage. The one that is Provoke or Flash or however you can when I
surveying the scene is our fighter. We are the tell you.” The lalafell began spouting out
Warriors of Light, hailing from Cornelia.” The Bahamut’s actions and how best to avoid his
Rat Tails and Raids fighter’s chest puffed up at the mention of attacks when the fighter injected.
by Albert A. Bereznay Cornelia; however, the paladin just looked at
them and the rest of his party in bewilderment. “Excuse me, sir knight, but I don’t know
The smell of ash and brimstone had barely left what you mean by ‘provoke’ and ‘flash’. What
their nostrils as the warriors of light became “Where’s Cornelia?” He asked the am I supposed to do?”
whisked away; beaconed into Bahamut’s summoner quizzically. “Technically, I’m a paladin, not a knight.
burning heart. It wasn’t long until these young “Perhaps it’s part of the new expansion, Seriously though, you got this far without basic
heroes came face to face with the “Dragon but that’s not supposed to come out until the tanking mechanics? If you don’t use those
King”. With eyes blazing, Bahamut glared at summer,” she replied. abilities, then how do you even get the
the intruders as he savored the calm before “I’m not sure where it is,” said the monk monsters to attack you?” The lalafell failed to
the frenzy that would surely bring about the sharpening his claws, “but I don’t care as long prevent himself from face palming at the
demise of his next eight victims. He watched, as we can get the clear tonight.” The paladin fighter’s incompetence.
he waited, and he prepared for them…to cross nodded and took a deep breath before “Well, I remember my training, muster up
the aggro line.
attempting his question again. all the courage I’ve gained throughout my
Few things are more terrifying within the “I was asking about your names, not your endeavors, gather the strength given to me by
confines of Eorzea’s borders than the jobs,” the he retorted to the thief’s reply while the hope of the citizens of Cornelia, and then I
Dreadwyrm Bahamut. Even fewer send literal adjusting his helmet hoping the oncoming wait…wait to be attacked.” The fighter struck a
chills down the spines of true heroes. The most headache would be brief. stalwart pose as if waiting for someone to
spine-chilling horror, that any Eorzean can face strike. “As for how we arrived here, we took the
(the kind of chilling that would make Shiva “Those are our names,” responded the cave entrance o’er yonder.”
shiver), is taking on the last turn in Bahamut’s thief. “We are the warriors of light. Our names The scholar standing next to the paladin
coil with a PUG group. Regrettably, this is are meaningless. Hell, you can even just spoke, “But what if you aren’t attacked, then
exactly what our heroes had in store for them; rename us and call us whatever you want what?”
except no one could imagine how greatly their because what’s important is what we will
four newly acquired members would be out of accomplish and not what we are called.” “Well…” the fighter’s chest exhales as he
place. Before the lalafell could decide whether to loosens his chivalrous pose. “I swap positions
respond or curse the twelve, the fighter with one of my comrades and hope the devilish
“Okay,” the lalafell paladin, gleaming in his
freshly acquired Dreadwyrm Shield, spoke with stepped forward. fiends hit that spot more than where I was.”
The answer made the scholar’s head cock
confidence. “Anyone not sure of what we’re “Umm…forgive me my good fellow. But we slightly in confusion as the lalafell through his
doing?” His usual three adventuring hast come from Cornelia in search of the King hands up in disgust and walked towards to
companions all nodded with bloodthirsty of Dragons known as Bahamut. Are we to back of his group, nodding to the scholar in
smirks, but the groups four new acquaintances believe that we hast found his domain?” The hopes she can make sense of the situation.
looked perplexed and began to murmur to one