Page 9 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
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on the other hand, had to travel all the way up perfect scent with beautiful memories; that was
to the castle to even get to Lindblum. But he the essence of Kupo Nuts.
wasn’t complaining. He liked it down at
Dragon’s Gate. It wasn’t as busy as an inn nor “Yeah, kupo, you’re right, kupo,” Mogki
as fancy as a room in the castle. It was a quiet said.
and peaceful place where he could write his “Did you hear that they are performing the
Book of Kupo without too many people ‘Moogle Wannabe 2’ soon?” Moodon changed
disturbing him. the subject. “I even heard that the main role is
played by Lowell Bridges, kupo.”
Although Moonte enjoyed his time down at “But isn’t he human, kupo?” Moonte asked.
Dragon’s Gate, he was very fond of these “Kupo.”
moogle meetups they did regularly with Mogki “Don’t you think that the main role should
and Moodon. They always eat well – this time be played by a moogle, kupo?”
When Everything Went Nuts, Kupo! some rare Kupo Nuts, mushrooms and pickles “Well, it’s ‘moogle wannabe’, kupo,”
by Anna “Afeni” Kaija was served – and talk about what was going Moodon said. “I think it’s okay for a human to
on at Lindblum at the moment. want to be a moogle. I mean, who wouldn’t like
There are rumors that Burmecia has fallen, to become a moogle, kupo?”
kupo. Queen Brahne had declared war to the “So, how have things been in the inn, “Kupo, being a moogle is the most kupo
rats and won. The other rumors say that Mogki?” Moonte asked as he opened one of thing in the world,” Mogki said. The others
princess Garnet is missing. I once saw her the boxes of kuposome delicacy. As Moodon nodded. Moonte smiled and thought that
when she came to Dragon’s Gate and wanted has promised there were Kupo Nuts in the box. maybe he should check out that play. It could
to go outside. I let her go, of course, not Moonte hadn’t eaten one in months. They were give him even more inspiration for his writing
wanting to make the regent angry. Now it so rare and so expensive that he normally task.
seems it was a big mistake. Could it be that couldn’t afford them. Moodon got paid for his
Burmecians had kidnapped her, kupo? What’s job as Lindblum Castle’s record keeper much The sun was now setting and people were
going on in the Mist Continent? more than the other moogles, so he sometimes lighting oil lamps and candles. Lindblum was a
brought Kupo Nuts for all of them. very beautiful city at nighttime and Moonte
Memoirs of a Great Kupo couldn’t wait to see the stars again. The only
Written by Moonte “Kupo!” Mogki said. “Someone keeps boring part of living at Dragon’s Gate was that
complaining about me! There was an angry you were never able to see the stars. Even if
message in the guestbook once again: ‘Do you went outside the gate, the mist was
~o~ something to that noise, the kupo-kupos keep blocking the view. So, when the moogles
me awake and make me go crazy!’ Like it was gathered, Moonte took his time to stare at the
“Evening, kupos,” Moonte said as he flew to my fault that guests come to talk to me and I sky without mist. His secret dream was that
the roof of the big clock tower of Theatre have to answer, kupo!” someday he could bring a kupo moogle girl to
District. The evening was nice and warm but the roof tops. Then they could watch the stars
there was a strange tension in the air. Moonte “What’s wrong with that guest, kupo?” and two moons together and maybe even
did his best to get rid of the odd feeling. This Moodon asked. “I mean, kupo, the kupo sound share a bottle of nectar. It would be just like in
should be a kupo night with his friends. He had is the most beautiful sound in the world, kupo.” those books Moonte had been reading.
nothing to worry about. “The most beautiful sound right after
cracking open a Kupo Nut, you mean, kupo?” “Kupo, what’s that?”
“Kupo!” Mogki and Moodon answered. Two Moonte corrected as he opened the nut he was Moonte and Mogki turned to look in the
of them seemed already settled down. Mogki holding. The scent of it brought back memories direction Moodon was pointing.
lived in the inn which was located near the city from childhood when mamakupo always got a “It’s just an airship, kupo,” Mogki said.
entrance and Moodon had a nice room in Kupo Nut for his birthday. Moonte could “But I live at the castle and I have never
Lindblum Castle so it was easy for them to already taste the nut even though it wasn’t in seen that one,” Moodon said.
come to the monthly moogle meeting. Moonte, his mouth yet. The perfect taste and the