Page 7 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 7
It seems that Shin-Ra has, even after all contracting in the sun. He still didn't know if he
these years, continued to succeed in hiding the regretted her death, although she obviously
truth. held some misguided pity for him. It was she,
who was responsible for his existence now,
Yet not even Shin-Ra has the power to
keep the rumor mill from spreading like plague and he had nothing to thank her for. A body,
in a small town full of children and village wives restored. A mind complete with memories both
with a taste for the dramatic. past and present, the remnants of himself he
had cast off into the lifestream recollected to
The old Shin-Ra mansion still looms above form a whole. He was...Sephiroth. Purified by
the town in all of its crumbling splendor, a her grace. Forgiven by Gaia. Given a second
monolith to wealth in decline. The village chance at life, and angrier than he'd ever been
people say that it is haunted, and recently, in death because he didn't want it.
someone or something seems to be going out She called it a gift. He called it cruelty.
Ghosts of its way to prove that this is true. At night,
by Rachel Emerson (Jinsoyun) and rarely, in early morning, those living To trade power for the pains of the flesh
closest to the mansion report hearing the soft was not a choice he would have made
Author’s Note: This is a Final Fantasy VII story. sound of a piano playing. The boldest of the willingly. A body would hunger and thirst, need
My fanfiction entry combines the prompts, “An children, venturing beyond the locked iron sleep and warmth. His soul, which had known
old foe has resurfaced. But something gates on a dare, say they have seen a silver- no rest, was no longer free to rove the
seems…different” and an adaptation of “If we haired ghost drifting past the windows with lifestream but instead shackled by its
should get separated, just whistle. I’ll come eyes that seem to stare back at them from the memories. He had considered killing himself to
running. I promise”. This story is written based bottom of a mako reactor. Poisonous green, find the release he sought, but found,
on the idea that a young Sephiroth and Aeris angry. perversely, that he didn't want to die.
might have crossed paths at some point while One child claims to have spoken to the The fingers that moved so gracefully
Aeris was trapped in Hojo's laboratory with her Ghost. He says its name is Sephiroth. across the keys of the piano struck a
mother as a child. Although this is unlikely in ---------------------------------- discordant note, and let the song fade, its
the canon universe, the entire fanfiction has an bittersweet edge hanging in the air as he
"alternate universe" timeline. [Shin-Ra Mansion, Nibelheim] stood. Turning towards the windows, he caught
Long fingers brushed over the yellowed keys of a glimpse of his reflection in the filth-encrusted
a piano. The water-stained finish of the glass and walked towards it. The rose vines
[Nibelheim Village, Early Morning] creeping through the cracks in the window
instrument was cracked and peeling, but the
After a thunderstorm the night before, the sky ivory still yielded in response to his touch. He framed the face that stared back at him. Lifting
above the small mountain village is deceptively drew music from it- as a child, his tutors used a hand, he ran a finger along a hollowed
clear and bright. Time seems to stand still to say he could pull a melody from a stone, but cheek, watching his reflection mime the action.
here, as if nothing has changed for the last ten then someone put a sword in his hand and he He'd barely been able to recall what he looked
years. But of course, that isn't true. Even so, forgot the pleasures of the piano in favor of the like during his time in the lifestream. Now, he
the memories of the past aren't reflected in the glint of steel. He only remembered it now couldn't forget.
faces of the villagers moving through the because it was the most recent thought on his He let his hand drop. Soon enough, it
center of the town, going about their lives. mind. Amongst all the others, it seemed the wouldn't matter. He may have been deprived of
They have no knowledge of the consuming most solid at the moment. the power he'd had in death. But that didn't
flames that leveled the original Nibelheim, nor In a pool of sunlight filtering through a mean he couldn't find a way to reap his
of the fact that their homes are mere crack in the windows, a length of pink ribbon revenge on those who were the source of his
reflections of those that once belonged to the lay haphazardly across the pianos lid. It once suffering in this new life. The only benefit of
towns former inhabitants. Everything is belonged to a woman named Aeris. He let his being without Jenova, although a part of him
reconstructed in perfect detail, without a single gaze drop to it as he reached out to flip the still longed for her, was that it had given him
brick out of place. focus. He didn't care if the miserable beings
wrinkled page of a songbook, his slitted pupils
around him and the planet continued to live, so