Page 11 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 11

feeling of pure horror. The ball monster might
            have been gone for now but Moote was sure it
            had  been  an  Eidolon.  Somehow  Queen
            Brahne  had  access  not  only  black  magic  but
            the  summoning  powers  as  well.  With  those
            forces,  she  had  conquered  the  whole  Mist

                 The new era had begun.


            The war has thrown its shadow over the city of
            Lindblum.  People  live  in  fear  now,  kupo.  I
            myself stay at Dragon’s Gate, even though the                                                                      “I really like this one. The author does a great
            Alexandrian  soldiers  keep  bugging  me.  There                                                                   job  of  conveying  the  not-human  voice  of  the
            isn’t  peace  here  anymore.  Everything  has                                                                      moogles. I loved their conversation just before
            changed        for     the      worse,       kupo.                                                                 the attack; it was about nothing important, but
                                                                                                                               it  was  the  conversation  of  friends  who  share
                 I’m going to do my best to help Lindblum                                                                      values and understand each other. The horror
            and regent Cid, who has always been kind to                                                                        of  the  attack  was  well-conveyed,  particularly
            us  moogles,  kupo.  I  keep  writing,  I’ll  write                                                                the shock of the black mages”
            everything  down,  so  the  next  generation  of                                                                   – Lic
            moogles  will  know  what  happened  here  and
            why, kupo.

                 And at least now I know it wasn’t my fault                                                                    “This  piece  has  some  of  the  strongest
            what happened to princess Garnet, kupo. She                                                                        characterization in the batch, with a lot of heart
            fooled us all but she did it because she wanted                                                                    and vivid imagery all throughout”
            to  help  everyone.  The  castle’s  record  keeper
            Moodon has told me this: “She is the kupoest                                                                       – Micah
            princess of all time and we must do everything
            in  our  power  to  help  her  save  the  world  from
            the evil queen Brahne, kupo”. That I’ll do. And
            you should too, kupo.

                                    Memoirs of a Great Kupo
                                           Written by Moonte
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