Page 8 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 8
long as none of them interfered with his desire And I think, maybe, he went on hurting yourself have regrets, and you never look
to end the lives of Shinra's descendants. you. back. But I find myself wanting to forgive you.
Every. Last. One. Even so, I know forgiveness is something that
After that day, I continued trying to teach
He even had something they wanted. Now, myself how to whistle. But by the time I learned has to be earned. It can't be given freely. I
all he had to do was wait for Cloud. how, you were gone. can't trust you again.
I hope you can earn my forgiveness.
You never came, no matter how hard I
whistled. I was angry at you back then. For a This is my gift to you...your life, a second
while I believed my mother was right about chance. Because even if I no longer trust you, I
[The Lifestream] you. That you were bad. But now I realize that still believe in you.
you didn't come because you couldn't, not
Cloud wasn't the only one who ever said that And if you need me...just whistle. I'll come
he'd protect someone. Nobody remembers because you didn't want to. running, I promise.
now, not even you. But...I do. You went on to save the world, I
guess...and I escaped ShinRa. Even though
Once, when we were little, you made a
promise. You said all I had to do was whistle, my mom died, I had a happy life with Elmyra.
and you'd come running. While I was living with her, I saw you on the TV
a few times...I thought about writing you a
I don't think you understood what you were letter, but that would have put us both in
saying back then. But you were the only other danger. Besides, I didn't think you'd answer- so
child I'd ever seen in my life, and I trusted you. many people already loved you, and you were
Besides, it was so funny watching you try to so famous, that I figured you'd never notice
teach me how to whistle. You never smiled, one more piece of mail.
ever. Except when I messed up. Then you'd
laugh a little, and I'd pull on the corners of your Now that I think about it, though, you never
mouth to try and make your smile bigger. really seemed happy, even though you were a
hero. The whole world was whistling for you,
Hojo's laboratory was lonely, especially and you came running. Yet I still don't think you
when he started taking my mom away more understood. “Beautifully written. It reads like the
often as I got older. Yet you made it feel introduction to a longer fic, which I now very
different. a home. I didn't listen to You fought for ShinRa, not for yourself. much want to read. I think what made it stand
mom when she said something was wrong with You didn't have anything you really wanted to out from the others was that it was
you. I didn't listen to the Planet, either, even protect. I don't think you know how much you accomplished; I felt that the author was in
though it was already trying to whisper its meant to everyone, only what you meant to control throughout”
warning to me. I believed in you. I believed yourself. – Lic
you'd come for me if I were in trouble. You thought your cells, the way your body
Somehow, you knew what was going on. What was made, was what made you a monster.
Hojo wanted. You weren't a monster. But you became one
But...then Hojo found out about your visits. when you raised your sword against the people “Not only is the writing in this piece very strong
I didn't know you weren't supposed to be there, that trusted you to protect them. but the ideas it expresses are pretty thought-
or how you managed to sneak in at night. I I'll never understand the choices you provoking: the idea of how mercy is perceived
always thought, somehow, that the rules didn't made, or why when Jenova asked you to hurt to those who receive it (especially somebody
apply to you. me, it was so easy for you to say yes, when like Sephiroth) being among the most
fascinating. I also feel this piece has a lot of
Hojo took you away. The last time I ever you refused to do the same for Hojo. Yet I heart and knows how to tug at the emotional
saw you, he put us in a room together, and know it wasn't entirely your fault. Jenova was heartstrings without outright yanking them. It's
ordered you to hurt me. using you, just like ShinRa did. a well-crafted piece”
I also know that you don't want to be
But you wouldn't do it, so he hurt you – Micah
instead. forgiven. You're not like Cloud. You don't let