Page 10 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 10
“Are you sure, kupo? There are many was but it filled his mind with fear. It was like a
airships at the castle, kupo. I can’t remember The moogles stared in quiet as the airship gigantic floating ball with a terrible and
all of them,” said Moonte. drew closer. The big airship gate wasn’t enormous mouth. It rose from nowhere and
“There aren’t that many, kupo. I’ve never opening; the regent wasn’t going to let filled the entire sky leaving the airship behind.
seen that one before and it’s coming from Alexandrians fly in. The people of Lindblum
Alexandria’s direction. This can’t be good, came out of their houses and stared at the The terrifying ball drew breath and there
kupo!” airship, too. Everyone was pointing at it and was a great wind, greater than anything
“From Alexandria you said, kupo?” Now shouting to each other. Suddenly the air was Moonte had felt before. He had to wrap his
Moonte was terrified. Maybe Burmecians full of tension. little arms around the weather vane’s pole to
weren’t the ones who kidnapped princess prevent himself from flying into the monster’s
Garnet? Maybe Queen Brahne was now “What are those, kupo?” Mogki trembled. gaping maw.
looking for her daughter in Lindblum and His voice was just a tiny whisper. There were
Moonte was the one to blame for letting her sparkly bubbles coming from the airship and Moonte felt someone grasp his legs. He
go? they flew right to the Lindblum Castle and all looked at his feet and saw Mogki. Moodon was
“Yes, kupo. Alexandria is right behind over the city. Some of them even landed on holding Mogki’s waist.
those mountains, kupo,” said Moodon. the Theatre District’s square. “Don’t let go, kupo!” Moodon yelled.
“Oh my kupo! I’m in trouble!” “I don’t know, kupo, but I surely don’t like “I’m trying not to, kupo!” Moonte yelled
“Why, kupo? What’s that airship got to do this,” Moonte said. Even if he wasn’t the one to back. He wasn’t going to lose his friends to that
with you?” Mogki asked. blame, this was bad. Very, very bad. monster even if it broke his tiny arms. He
would hold his grasp as long as he was alive.
Moonte swallowed the last bit of his Kupo The landed bubbles disappeared and there Moodon and Mogki were the kupoest friends of
Nut and told them everything. How princess were black mages standing at the square. The his, so giving up wasn’t an option.
Garnet had come to Dragon’s Gate with moogles recognized them because they had
captain Steiner and how he had let them go met Vivi, Zidane’s little black mage friend. Vivi The wind broke windows and yanked
and even lied to others that the gate hadn’t had been nothing but nice to the moogles but people with it. The city dust spread out from
been opened for the longest time. Now the these bigger mages raised their arms and streets and fill Moonte’s mouth as he drew
princess was missing and it was all his fault. started throwing fireballs at the people and breath. He though his arms were going to
nearby houses. Everyone was screaming and break apart. He was really hurting but he did
“But the rumors in the castle say that she trying to get away from the mages. Moonte everything he could to holding onto the pole.
left because she wanted to,” Moodon told. was trembling. His fur stood up and his He closed his eyes and said his prayers not
“She even used magic to put the regent to pompom shook so hard he feared it might fell actually knowing to whom but it didn’t matter if
sleep, she was very sneaky, kupo. Even I off. he and his friends would be saved.
didn’t know she could do that kind of magic, “They are burning; the houses are burning,
kupo.” kupo!” Moodon yelled. The wind stopped as suddenly as it
“And there was an explosion at the castle’s started. The spherical monster disappeared
“That can’t be. Putting someone to sleep is airship dock!” Moonte yelled too. and the night was still. The moogles fell back
black magic and no princess of Alexandria has to the roof. Moonte let his grasp go and took a
been able to do that,” Moonte said. “I know, Suddenly the whole city shook. The airship deep breath. Every hair in his body was hurting
kupo. I have been studying for my book.” was firing at the city and at the same time and he was more tired than he had ever been.
“But they also say that Alexandria has someone was firing from the sea below, too. Lindblum was in ruins, the dinner was gone
gotten new black magic abilities,” Moodon There had to be ships near the shore. This was and everything had changed. Moonte couldn’t
said. a full-scale war declaration, not just any attack. move himself but he saw that Mogki and
“That sounds scary, kupo,” Mogki said. Moodon were still with him. They were alive
Moonte nodded. He didn’t know what to think. “Oh no!” Moodon yelled. and staring the airship with Alexandrian
Was princess Garnet deceived them all? Was “What, what now, kupo?” Moonte asked. banners that flew towards the castle.
she just an evil black magic user who wanted But he just gazed at the airship and he could
conquer the world with her mother? And where see what the reason was. He had never seen Moodon had been right. The short relief of
had she got those powers? anything so horrifying. He didn’t know what it surviving was washed away with terrible