Page 13 - RKJ 2019 Slide Version
P. 13

“In  these  situations,”  the  scholar  began,       the  fighter  cries  out  to  the  fiery  eyed  dragon       “If only I knew how to teleport. If only I was
            straightening  her  monocle,  “a  lot  of  mass           hovering  above  his  arena.  “We  have  fulfilled       a  wizard.  Damn,  so  close.”  The  black  mage
            healing and group damage will take place, so              our  part  and  conquered  the  Citadel  of  Trials.     looked towards the fighter to see him kneeling,
            we’ll  have  to  be  on  our  toes  and  keep  that       We  vanquished  the  dragon  zombies  and                eyes closed in prayer while gripping his crystal
            medica II handy.”                                         retrieved the Rat’s Tail for you.  Please grant          firmly.  He  thought  he  could  faintly  hear  the
                                                                      us your strength to aid us in our quest against          fighter whisper, “Please no, not again. Give us
                 The  white  mage  looked  stunned  and
            whispered to the fighter by her side. He patted           those  bent  on  bringing  chaos  into  this  world.”    one more chance. Provide us better luck in our
            her  shoulder  reassuringly  and  with  a  timidly        The  fighter  holds  up  the  Rat’s  Tail  as  he        next adventure.”
            deep breath she shyly spoke. “I don’t…I don’t             hesitantly  walks  forward  with  his  eyes  staring         A  bright  light  overcomes  the  warriors.
            have ‘Medica II’.” A sudden realization sends a           into those of the Dragon King. It didn’t take too        “…Terraflare!”
            smile across her face. “I do have Heal though             many  of  his  steps  until  Bahamut’s  eyes
            and Life in case someone falls.”                          sparked  ablaze  once  more  as  bright  as  the
                                                                      crystal  of  fire  that  hung  around  the  fighter’s
                 The  scholar’s  face  gets  more  perplexed.         neck. Bahamut landed amongst the warriors of
            “Heal?  Life?  I  haven’t  heard  of  those  spells.      light  while  a  ring  of  intense  flame  erupted
            How much MP do those cost?”                               around  them  and  he  let  out  a  deafening  roar
                 “MP? I don’t understand. I have spell slots          that echoed throughout the chamber.
            if  that’s  what  you  mean.”  A  sense  of  pride            “Terraflare in 5…”
            came across her face and she stood a little bit
            taller. “I can cast Heal 5 times and Life twice.”             “Terraflare? What’s that?” The black mage            “I  love  the  idea  of  taking  FF  characters  with
                                                                      asked  the  white  mage  gripping  his  brightly
                 “That’s  it!  I’m  done,”  the  summoner  threw      shining crystal of earth tightly.                        one  kind  of  fighting  style  and  throwing  them
            up his hands in disgust. “I’m voting to abandon                                                                    into  a  game  that  operates  by  completely
            duty.”                                                        “…4…”                                                different  rules.  Some  of  the  exchanges  were
                                                                          “I have no idea. I assumed it was your type          cute, such as the modest mage boasting of her
                 “We  can’t,  since  it  hasn’t  been  fifteen                                                                 skill at casting Heal and Life, thus causing the
            minutes  yet.”  The  monk  responded  not  even           of  magic,”  she  responded  moving  ever  so            FFXIV  characters  to  quit  in  disgust.  That  part
            looking up from sharpening his claws.                     much  closer  to  the  thief  whose  roguish  mind       of  the  story  -  getting  rid  of  the  FFXIV
                                                                      was  already  seeking  an  escape  plan  in  case
                 “You  know  what,  I’ll  take  the  penalty.         this confrontation went horribly wrong.                  characters  and  setting  up  the  confrontation
            Garuda-Egi  and  I  are  out.”  The  summoner                                                                      with Bahamut - was deftly done”
            suddenly vanished as he quit and it wasn’t long               “…3…”                                                – Lic
            before  each  member  of  the  original  group                “We  have  no  choice,”  the  thief  solemnly
            followed  suit.  The  last  was  the  paladin  who        spoke,  realizing  escape  through  the  flames
            took  one  last  moment  to  frustratingly  stare  at     was impossible. “All we can do is have faith we
            the Cornelians. Shaking his head, he mumbled              past our trial.”                                         “The thing that impressed me the most about
            something  about  a  blacklist  before  warping               “…2…”                                                this  piece  is  the  sheer  imagination  behind  it.
            away as well.                                                                                                      The idea of taking the original Warriors of Light
                                                                          “Wait, which of the dragon caves were we             and  throwing  them  into  a  Final  Fantasy  XIV
                 With  the  Eorzeans  gone,  the  fighter             supposed to enter again?” the thief blurted out
            reached into the pouch he kept tied to his belt           to  the  fighter  perhaps  finally  realizing  their     Raid  was  brilliant.  The  idea  could  have  been
            and  fumbled  around  briefly  for  his  recently         mistake.                                                 funny enough on its own, but it's coupled with
            acquired  token  proving  his  parties  valor  and                                                                 some  pretty  solid  characterization  from  what
            strength.  The  trophy  feels  cold  and  slightly            “What  do  you  mean?  We  went  in,  I  don’t       would     be    otherwise     cardboard     cutout
            rubbery to the touch. His fingers dance along             know, the seventh one.” he replied.                      characters. The humor and attention to detail -
            its  edges  as  memories  of  their  conquest  still          “But,”  the  white  mage  interjected,  “there       for both the references to Final Fantasy I and
            fresh  in  his  mind  brings  him  a  sense  of  hope     are  only  six  caves  on  Cardia  Islands.  So,         Final Fantasy XIV - makes this one worthy of a
            that  his  journey  can  soon  come  to  swift  and       where are we, then?”                                     top spot”
            victorious end. “Great Dragon King Bahamut,”                                                                       – Micah
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