Page 14 - December 2022
P. 14

2023) is going to be unfavorable for                   At a collective level, expect a political

        those who have Taurus, Gemini, Leo,                    tension building among developed
        Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aries as a                    nations.  Financial crisis in UK may
        rising sign or ninefold (Navamansa)                    become very severe during Nov 14

        ascendant. It’s going to be a challenging  – Jan 13.  Cyber wars and internet
        and frustrating period if you have an                  communication breakdowns will likely to

        active Mars in your Gochar (transit)                   be more frequent. Destruction of wealth
        chart. In particular, businessmen,                     due to natural calamities (fires, flooding,
        politicians, corporations, and financial               tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.) or man-

        organizations are likely to experience a               made accidents (social and/or political
        challenging and trying period.                         unrest) are also very likely.

            Neptune’s temporary return to the Sidereal Aquarius

                (Sept 17 - Feb 16) and re-entry in sidereal Pisces (Feb 15)

        With Neptune’s return to the sidereal                  to be a sign unfavorable for dictators and

        Aquarius on September 17 we have                       authoritarian regimes, it will certainly
        witnessed a temporary but a sudden                     affect the matters related to authoritarian
        shift in our collective consciousness,                 regimes in a significant way as explained

        and it’s well reflected in a turnaround                in 2022 annual predictions.   The
        in Putin’s behavior. With decline in                   manifestation of the preview of this early

        support for war both internationally                   2023 event is slowly emerging now, and it
        and domestically, he shifted his ways                  is clearly reflected in the current protests
        in maneuvering the war. This shift has                 and unrest in authoritarian regimes

        proven to be favorable for Ukrainians                  like China (recent protest in Shanghai),
        as they have been on offensive and has                 Russia (the new military recruits and

        taken back some of the territories held by  soldiers fleeing Russia) and Iran (niece of
        Russians. However, due to unpredictable  Iran’s supreme leader speaks out against
        and irrational behavior of Putin, heavy                his “murderous and child-killing regime”

        civilian casualties and destruction of                 as protest continues).  It’s very likely that
        vital infrastructure for water and power               the friction between the Unites States

        supply continues in Ukraine.                           and Russia, as well as between the United
                                                               States and China, and United States and
        With Neptune reentering sidereal Pisces                Iran will become more severe.

        on Feb 17, 2023, and Pisces considered

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