Page 9 - December 2022
P. 9

As I tune into this question, “What                    Rebeca Eigen’s holiday wishes come as
         message would I share with the world                   a song: My Grown Up Christmas List

         this Holiday season?”, images of Dicken’s,             (watch the video)
         “A Christmas Carol” flood my mind.                     Excerpt:

         In each our own way, we are all being                  My grown up Christmas list
         visited this year by the infamous spirits of           Not for myself but for a world in need
         Scrooge’s psyche.  The Ghost of Christmas              No more lives torn apart

         Past invites us to make peace with what                That wars would never start
         has been, to release the past and forgive              And time would heal all hearts
         ourselves for our imagined transgressions.   And everyone would have a friend

         The Ghost of Christmas Present reminds                 And right would always win
         us to hold near and dear those remnants                              And love would never end.

         of our past life that have survived the                              Rebeca Eigen,
         “purge” of these past few years, to fully                            Astrologer and relationships

         embrace those people and things that we                              specialist
         value and that enrich our lives.  The Ghost                          https://www.shadowdance. com/
         of Christmas Future instills in us renewed

         Hope for good things to come and Faith
         in our newly formed Vision, two essential              Be Inspired. Trust Life will Guide You.

         ingredients for 2023, a year that promises             Be Grateful for Every Moment. Sending
         huge change and dramatic transformation.               Holiday JOY Around the Globe!
         Wishing you all gentle sexy ghosts who

         don’t overstay their welcome!  Happy                                  Christine Barone,
         holidays!                                                             Art Therapy specialist -

         Kim McSherry,                                                         https://paintingyourheart. com/
         Astrologer, professional educator

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