Page 6 - December 2022
P. 6
Turn Holiday Stress
into Holiday Healing
Why are holidays so important if all they do is cause so much stress?
Holidays are an opportunity to bring to Religions were created for pro survival
light what is causing your stress. Let’s of their people, and holidays celebrated
begin by understanding what stress is. in religious practices from fasting to
Stress is a message from your spirit, feasting are all designed to feed and
screaming something is out of balance fuel your spirit. Holidays in winter are
in your life, something needs to be extremely important!
addressed. As a medicine woman I was
trained to work with the spirit of my Winter is the darkest time of the year.
client to heal their body and their mind. The sun is farthest away from the earth.
When you learn to work with your stress A time your body must produce its own
as a messenger, it becomes your balancer energy since you are getting so little
in life. The stress of the holiday is a time from the sun. This is why more people
to connect with your spirit and see what get weak, sick and die in the winter. The
state it is in. Is it strong? Motivated? hustle and bustle of holiday festivities
Connected? Lonely? Lost? Disconnected? that most feel as burden, are actually a
Unappreciated? Overworked? Holidays way to keep your spirit busy and strong.
stir up the state of your spirt. They call The act of giving feeds your spirit. It
you back to your roots, your inner being. opens your heart and lets your inner
The core of who you are and who your light shine.
spirit yearns to be. It is your choice to
use this stress to your benefit, or let it Holidays fuel the economy; they keep
use you. We have been conditioned to the money flowing. Money is an energy,
think that stress is something we have no and that energy creates a flow that
control of, but in fact stress is a calling to helps to keep us going. When you go
re-evaluate the situations in your life and with the flow the magic of the holiday
see how you can use it for growth and season will carry you through. It will
moving forward. Holiday stress is used to feed your spirit, open your heart, and
push you to use your inner strength, to remind you that when you allow, the
distract you from the darkness of winter. flow of the universe will carry you. So,