Page 10 - December 2022
P. 10

Let’s be grateful and count our blessings

                                                               this holiday season! So many people
                                                               feel alone during these times – let’s treat
                                                               everyone kindly and go out of our way to

                                                               make someone’s day this month. As the
                                                               new year approaches, let’s prepare to find

                                                                               ways better ourself in this
                                                                               coming year and beyond.
                                                                               Lauren Lovato,

                                                                               Business Coordinator at

                                                               Take and be of good heart this holiday
                                                               season and each day of the

                                                               year.  Positive thoughts and feelings work
                                                               to draw and create positive

                                                               reality. Make your world and those close
                                                               to you the best that it can
                                                               be, and all else will follow! Remember

                                                               that nothing is only ever as it
                                                               seems and that “Awareness” is the most

                                                               important thing to develop and
                                                               strive for. Awareness is the key too all
                                                                               things!...Be kind, fall in love

                                                                               with you and with life; both
                                                                               are so very perfect and so

                                                                               very precious...
                                                                               Petrene Soames, Psychic

                                                                               and Healer-

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