Page 16 - November 2023
P. 16

Conflict is Actually Necessary at a

          Certain Stage in Every Relationship

        Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the  way and say to ourselves, “What does

        presence of love.                                      this experience want from me?” “What
        — J. Pittman McGehee, D.D.                             in me has been projected onto you so

                                                               that I can see it?”
        Conflict is actually necessary at a

        certain stage of every relationship.                   Problems inevitably occur as we

                                                               begin to really know each other.
        The affect that others have on us is

        purposeful. The unconscious will actually              What if someone does something
        facilitate this to happen by producing                 or says something that we don’t like,

        quarrels eventually. Don’t feel like a                 and we say nothing. When we refuse
        victim when this phase of a relationship               to communicate, we block our self-
        begins. The unconscious of both people                 expression and the relationship

        will set it up so that they can differentiate          stagnates. We basically freeze up our
        i.e., see who each other actually is. In               emotional connection with that person.

        other words, recognize differences.                    Just because we didn’t say anything,
        Most people are unaware of how much                    doesn’t mean it isn’t still there. The
        their original attraction (chemistry) to               biggest problem with incomplete

        the ‘other’ is about a part of ourselves               communication is the other person
        that has remained unconscious. Our                     doesn’t know us.

        unconscious has a profound influence on
        our lives as it wants to be known.                     We have to strive to be as honest as we
                                                               possibly can even if it will cause short-term

        There is a teleology in the people,                    anxiety, because withholding our truth is
        events and situations occurring in our                 no different than rage. They are really two

        lives. Teleology just means it’s leading               extremes. Either of those will harm the
        somewhere. It wants something from                     relationship more than if we are honest.
        us. Often, it’s our own Shadow begging                 When people rage, it usually means they

        for our self-acceptance by bringing us a               have been holding back their real feelings
        mirror. If we can look at our lives in this            for an extended period of time.
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