Page 20 - November 2023
P. 20


              Astrological Insights for November 2023

        Overview                                                an individual level, for those who have

                                                                Pisces, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Scorpio,
        On November 3, the lunar node Rahu                      Virgo, Leo, Gemini, or Aries as a ninefold

        enters sidereal Pisces, and Ketu enters                 (Navamansa) ascendant, and if Rahu is
        sidereal Virgo. Lunar nodes transit from                active in their transit charts, they are likely

        one zodiac sign to the previous one                     to experience a challenging period that
        approximately once every 18 months.                     might last until Rahu remains active in
        This is a significant planetary event for               their transit chart.

                                                                For example, if one has Virgo as a ninefold

        Rahu and Ketu are points of intersection                ascendant and Rahu is active in their
        between the Earth’s orbit around the Sun                transit chart, and Rahu is unfavorably
        and the Moon’s orbit around the Earth.                  placed in that person’s natal chart, then

        Although these are not planets, they are                that person is likely to run into serious
        treated as fictitious planets in astrology              relationship challenges lasting up to the

        since the energy associated with them and               next 18 months. Similarly, for a person
        their transits through zodiac signs has a               with a Gemini Ninefold ascendant under
        significant impact on both an individual                similar conditions, they would likely

        and collective level.                                   experience very serious challenges at the

        Typically, Rahu is considered favorable
        when it transits through an earth or                    Read the whole article here.
        air sign, while its counterpart, Ketu, is

        favorable when it resides in a fire or earth                          Jagdish Maheshri
        sign. Of course, the house disposition in                             Professional Vedic Astrologer

        a natal chart of these planets will further                           Read Google reviews by google
        modify their favorability or unfavorability.                          searching, “Astro Insight”

                                                                              For more information about
        As Rahu enters sidereal Pisces on                       services and classes please visit
        November 3, Pisces being a water sign         

        is unfavorable for Rahu. Rahu will be
        suffocating in Pisces. As a result, on                     Schedule a personal consultation

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