Page 18 - November 2023
P. 18

Well, that’s impossible. Since none of                 our feelings, then it’s important for us to
        us is perfect, everyone makes mistakes.                write things down to get clear with the

        We all do stuff that we regret, and our                other person. This is not an easy task,
        ego is not diminished by admitting                     as it takes work, cooperation, and self-

        error. It strengthens when we become                   honesty. What you will have at the end of
        accountable for our words and actions.                 the day if you are willing to do “Shadow
        Jung advocated developing a strong                     work” (recognize opposites) with your

        ego as the essential first stage of any                partner or friend and communicate
        kind of self-exploration or therapy.                   authentically is trust.

        Not a big ego. A strong ego. There is
        a big difference between the two. A                    Authenticity has an intention.
        big ego cannot ever say they are sorry

        or wrong. Everything that happens to                   The intention is I intend to be closer to
        them is everyone else’s fault. We all                  you. I want to know you and what you

        do this sometimes as no one enjoys                     feel, and I am open to you knowing me. I
        being wrong. A good way to check                       can be trusted to keep my word. I can ask
        your ego is the charge you are getting                 for your help if I need it without fear that

        from an experience. If you are charged,                I am putting you out to do so. I also want
        (which includes going on and on to                     you to ask me for what you want. Even if

        others about the issue ad nauseum)                     we are disagreeing at times, when you are
        then there is something you need to                    listening or communicating, they know
        see about yourself. This is not easy, but              you care. In a lot of ways, we are going

        it is so worth it if self-knowledge and                to stretch and be more selfless at times
        individuating is your goal.                            and at times we are going to be selfish.

                                                               We need both for balance.  The goal is
        Polarizations in our relationships is how              reciprocity and balance.
        we learn more about ourselves. One

        person will exhibit one extreme in their               Looking at your Astrological data
        character and the other will be doing                  together with your partner will give you

        the opposite extreme. For a polarization               a tool to work with. When each person
        to have occurred, both people had to                   can learn about their partners’ astrology,
        get out of balance. Therefore, both are                get a synastry interpretation of the two

        responsible for bringing things back to a              of them together, the insights revealed
        state of harmony.                                      are very healing. We can understand

                                                               so much more about who the person
        If we are the more silent, introverted                 we are in relationship with is; what’s
        type and find it difficult to talk about               important to them and even why it’s

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