Page 22 - November 2023
P. 22
Navigating the Spiritual Significance
of the 11th Month
It’s interesting that October, November, October as the 10th month signified
and December, the 10th, 11th, and self-importance, elevating self-care to
12th months respectively, all share the a spiritual level. It was an invitation to
common thread of the number 1. prioritize self-nurturing in our schedules.
We say goodbye to October and are now Now, in November, the 11th month, the
focusing on November, yet we are still double 1’s take center stage, compelling
anticipating December. We are living us to focus on the self with heightened
past, present, and future in some ways, intensity. This is the month when self-care
all at once. often takes a backseat amidst the hustle
and bustle of impending holidays. It
We have memories of what we did in becomes a challenge to remain grounded/
October, we are currently present in anchored in the present moment when
November, yet we are thinking of what our minds are already racing, preparing
we need to get done for December. This for what lies ahead in December.
means mentally we are stretched pretty
thin. This can be exhausting. We can In the realm of numerology, the
help alleviate some of that exhaustion double 1’s in November hold a special
by taking the time to just be totally significance as a Master Number. The
present in this moment in time with no 11 is known as the Master Psychic
thoughts of the past or the future, being or Master Intuitive, emphasizing the
completely present as often as possible harmonious collaboration between the
helps to rest the mind. physical self and the spiritual or higher
self. It requires us to slow down, engage
There’s a peculiar synchronicity in in meditation, and seek guidance to
these three months, an alignment in navigate the demands of the holiday
their numeric essence—10, 11, 12—all season without succumbing to stress
beginning with the sacred number 1. and exhaustion.