Page 4 - April 2022
P. 4

New Beginnings

                   Getting to Know You                           Have you ever wondered why you are

                     Getting to know you                           attracted to the people that you get
                  Getting to know all about                               seriously involved with?

                       Getting to like you                     This is where analytical psychology of

                   Getting to hope you like                    the noted Swiss psychiatrist, Dr. Carl G.
                                 me                            Jung can help us reach a very interesting
                     Getting to know you                       understanding.

                       Putting it my way
                            But nicely                         Jung says that initially we meet each other

                        You are precisely                      through what he called our personas,
                         My cup of tea.                        which is a mask we all wear when we go
                                                               out into the world. In Astrology, it closely
                                                               resembles what we call “the rising sign,”
                                                               and this is our idealized self-image of what

        That’s a fun song to sing and usually                  we believe we are. It’s designed to make an
        the very beginning of getting to know                  impression on others. It also acts as a buffer
        someone is like that — such a happy                    to protect our egos as we go out into the

        experience. We all start relationships with  world, but it is not all of who we are. People
        high hopes and curiosity. Even if we have              will have to get to know all the other parts

        been in and out of several relationships or  of us if they want to truly get to know us,
        even marriages, we still think “maybe this  and there are many characters in every one
        time,” and we try again.                               of us that even we don’t know.

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