Page 6 - April 2022
P. 6

sides of us. Then you have to look at                  intuitively feel when we believe we have
        your Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus,                  found “the one”? Surprisingly enough

        Neptune and Pluto so all of these planets  we are not the ones doing the choosing.
        have meanings and their own sign and                   Jung says that we are falling-in-love with

        aspects. Then the houses where they are                a projection of our most unconscious
        tenanted are taken into consideration,                 self. In fact, he says it is 100% projection
        so we are all very complicated people.                 and the unconscious in us that made this

        In fact, no two people will be identical               choice for us. According to Jung, we are
        unless they happen to have been born                   all very influenced by our relationship

        the same day, city, state and country                  with our parents, and this is what
        and time, which is highly unlikely to be               Freud called “transference.” We transfer
        anyone we run into in this lifetime. We                our history with our parents onto our

        are all very unique while at the same                  partners and sometimes relate to them
        time, we each have all of the archetypes               as if we are relating to these primal

        in us — just in different proportions.                 relationships. So, both projection and
                                                               transference are operating whenever we
        When it comes to relationships, the                    get involved with each other.

        question becomes what is it that we
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