Page 8 - April 2022
P. 8
Becoming Conscious of the who gets in their way, or makes them slow
Unconscious down as they rush into activity and action
somewhat impulsively. Self-centered and
Every month I will describe more childlike in their determination, they are
about how to become conscious of also often driven to rescue those in danger
our unconscious archetypes, and I will as they will go where others are afraid,
briefly describe the Zodiacal signs one and they like to derive their identify as a
at a time. This month we will start with warrior and conqueror of their own fears.
the sign of Aries. You may have the Sun
or the Moon in Aries or it can be your So, what could possibly be in the
rising sign which puts the opposite sign Shadow? The total opposite as the psyche
(180˚˚ ) in your 7th house (marriage, is made up of pairs of opposites. Jung
partnerships and open enemies). postulated that whatever we are highly
Yes, the ancients called the marriage identified with, the exact opposite is
house the house of open enemies or going to be in our unconscious to the
you could have a strong Mars. These same degree. Therefore, each sign is
descriptions are going to be some paired with an opposite, and the opposite
general characteristics of the sign Aries of Aries is Libra.
which is ruled by the planet Mars and a
few possibilities of what could possibly Libra is the sign of balance that wants
become unconscious. to be fair to others and has a distinct
challenge with making decisions on its
own which can make it rather wishy-
Aries - the Ram/the Warrior is the washy, who will at times acquiesce to
first sign of the Zodiac (approximately someone stronger in order to avoid a
March 21 through April 20), and confrontation. When this sign makes
it heralds the beginning of spring. it a point to think of others first before
Developmentally, it is from birth to themselves too much, they can end up
about 18 months. Aries is learning to becoming a doormat and spinelessly
just be! This is the infant out of the naïve about more aggressive souls. Also,
womb who knows no differentiation they are prone to be appearing weak and
between themselves and their Mother, self-effacing, simply lacking initiative.
or primary caretaker. Archetypally, this When taken to an extreme, you could say
sign is predisposed to being concerned they are wimpy, passive-aggressive when
with itself, it’s all about me, my way or cornered and unwilling to take a stand
the highway is a slogan given to this very and put their foot down even when they
independent sign. They often prefer to go clearly need to.
it alone and will go to combat with anyone