Page 7 - April 2022
P. 7
There is another term that Carl Jung
introduced called “synchronicity.” He
says, synchronicity is something that is
always happening, and it appears to us
as if it’s a coincidence or an accident.
However, it’s a phenomena of being alive
and connected to the cosmos because
we are all made up of that energy. This
is another way to view reality besides
cause and effect, and astrology is a
synchronistic model par excellence that
interprets our specific connection to the
Cosmos. It shows us that what is inside
us is also outside us in a person, an event,
an object, etc. It is a multivalent symbolic the Animus and Anima (see diagram)
language of the soul, and becoming and the Self with a capital S, which is
conscious is what soul work is all about. the central archetype inside of us. To
get to our truest, most authentic self
So how do we get to know more about we will need to learn about all of these
ourselves? unconscious aspects of our being.
This is where shadow work comes in, and As you can see in the diagram, the
the ancient alchemists called our shadow, doorway into our unconscious is our
the prima materia. They knew even back “shadow.” These parts of us that are hidden,
then in the 12th through 17th centuries - feared, and rejected by our ego are both
when alchemy was very much a part of the positive and negative aspects of our being.
world view - that learning about our totality There is actually gold in our shadow, very
is a process, and no one does this overnight. helpful parts of us that we do not know, but
The beginning of this difficult and long most of us have more trouble with learning
process of self-knowledge always begins about the negative parts as they go against
with the shadow, and there is no other way. our ideals of who we want to be.
Shadow Work However, the psyche is striving for
The shadow, a term coined by Jung, is wholeness and this complex he called “the
everything about us that is unconscious, shadow” is what brings us face-to-face with
repressed, undeveloped and denied. It unpleasant and sometimes destructive
works along with the male and female relationships with others. It behooves us to
contrasexual aspects of us that he called learn more about our own unconscious. 7