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the chest. Garlic breaks down the phlegm that          Children, Pediatric Reports, US National Library of
        causes congestion and helps to clear the chest.        Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
        You Will Need                                          • Honey: its medicinal property and antibacterial activity,
        • 2 tablespoon lemon juice                             Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, US National
        • 2 tablespoon honey                                   Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
        • 1 teaspoon grated garlic                   
        • 1 cup water                                          PMC3609166/
                                                               • Nutritive Value of Honey, USDA.
        1. Take 1 cup of water and bring it to boil.           • African Journal of Traditional, Complementary, and
        2. Add lemon juice and garlic into it, and turn        Alternative Medicine: Evaluation of the Antimicrobial

        the heat off.                                          Properties of Different Parts of Citrus Aurantifolia
        3. Let the mixture cool down till the water is warm.  (Lime Fruit) as Used Locally
        4. Add honey and stir the solution.                    • Journal of Endourology: Quantitative Assessment
        5. Drink this mixture once daily for instant relief.   of Citric Acid in Lemon Juice, Lime Juice, and
                                                               Commercially Available Fruit Juice Products.
                                                               • Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Anticancer
        References                                             and Health Properties of Citrus Fruit Components
        • Ebola and Public Authority: Saving Loved Ones in     • Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine: Honey:
        Sierra Leone Melissa Parker, Tommy Matthew Hanson,     Its Medicinal Property and Antibacterial Activities
        Ahmed Vandi, Lawrence Sao Babawo & Tim Allen           • Thorax Journal: Recommendations for the
        • Feasibility Study: Honey for Treatment of Cough in   Management of Cough in Adults

        Mayan Hot Chocolate

        Therapeutic, nurturing and ancient, the Mayans
        definitely knew what was up with this sacred blend.

        This warm and delicious drink is the perfect way
        to wind down or nourish yourself after a deep yoga

        practice. This is definitely a treat for those days    • Pinch Cinnamon (optional)
        when you feel like you need a little extra loving.     • ¼ Tsp Maca Root Powder
                                                               • 1 Tsp Sweetener of Your Choice (I used 8-10
        As I always say, there’s nothing that a cup of my  drops Vanilla Cream Liquid Stevia)
        superfood Mayan Hot Chocolate cannot heal.
        Makes 1 Serving                                        1. Lightly heat the nut/seed milk of your choice
        Ingredients:                                           on medium heat (to keep the nutrients in the
        • 2 Tbsp Raw Organic Coconut Butter                    milk do not heat above 118F).
        • 500ml Nut Milk of Your Choice (I used                2. Whisk all other ingredients into the pot and
        homemade cashew milk for this recipe)                  serve warm!

        • 2 Tbsp Raw Organic [Cacao]
        • Pinch Chili Powder or Cayenne Pepper                 Zain Saraswati Jamal
        • Pinch Ginger Powder                                  Ayurvedic, Holistic & Sports Nutritionist
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