Page 3 - The First 60 Days Magazine - February 2024
P. 3

Is All the Equipment Needed?

                                                           The article, Container Baby Syndrome: How
                                                           Equipment Can Hinder a Child's Development
                                                           from Nationwide Children's states in part:

                                                           "While many of products make parents feel the baby is
                                                           working on these skills by standing in an activity center
                                                           or sitting in a floor seat, containers actually prevent
                                                           children from sitting or standing in correct alignment
                                                           and result in an inability to activate important muscles.
                                                           Equipment can hinder the development of skills and
                                                           place inappropriate stress on developing bones and
                                                           joints - placing the child at risk for other injuries."

                                                           When addressing this topic in The First 60 Days
                                                           booklet, a quote from a babies perspective shares:

                                                           "For my healthiest development I need both the
                                                           opportunity to move my body freely on my own and also
                                                           to interact directly with you. All of my senses are
                                                           wonderfully activated when I have floor time and also in
                                                           the times I interact with you..”

                                                           The Neuro-Nurturing® Knowledge portion of this topic
                                                           in the booklet shares:
                                                           “It is extremely easy to get caught up with advice
                                                           about all of the equipment that is available for
                                                           putting your baby into or for them to play with. It is
                                                           best to avoid these suggestions.

                                                           Of course car seats are essential, but when out of the
                                                           car, being in your arms and on the floor is best. Your
                                                           baby needs to be able to move freely, build strength
                                                           and experience the wonderful natural sensations that
                                                           go along with floor time and being held and carried
                                                           by you. Containers for babies hinder both of these
                                                           extremely essential needs. An alternative to the floor
                                                           is laying your infant on your chest and sharing eye

                                                           You are the best "toy" for your baby.
                                                           Many toys said to be designed for babies are
                                                           overstimulating. When there is too much for the baby
                                                           to take in all at once, this can cause sensory overload
                                                           which can result in dysregulation.”

                                                           By Deborah McNelis, M.Ed

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