Page 5 - The First 60 Days Magazine - February 2024
P. 5

Focus on a Member                                                            H  ealthy

                              Kelly Rain Collin                                                      Healthy     Healthy

                                                           Meet the Founder of Healthy

                                                                      Minds Consulting

                                                                  Kelly Rain Collin, Ed.M. is founder
                                                                    and director of Healthy Minds

                                                                      Consulting. Her academic
                                                                background encompasses degrees
                                                                in Child Development/Child Mental
                                                                Health, Psychology, and Education

                                                                  with a specialization in Risk and
                                                                  Prevention. She has worked with
                                                                 high-risk/at-promise children and
                                                                 youth for over 30 years and has a

                                                                   specialty focus on child mental
              About Kelly Rain                                      health, fetal alcohol spectrum
                                                                    disorders, and advocating for
                                                                       students with disabilities.
         Kelly Rain’s passion for helping
        children realize their potential and
        access their strengths motivates her
        to facilitate conditions that foster
        positive educational experiences and
        healthy minds. By bridging the fields                  .
        of child development, education and
        mental health, she is able to assist
        families, schools, and mental health
        professionals in understanding and
        creating supportive plans to enhance
        children’s developmental trajectory
        and address their learning and

        mental health needs at school.
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