Page 22 - Newsletter - (October - December)
P. 22
Dolmen re-launched its Customer Loyalty intercept potential customers and to promote
& Rewards program with a new vision and specific brands to attract customers.
strategy. Partnering with Summit Bank
for this initiative, Dolmen revamped the To conduct this program various role-play
Dolmen Loyalty Card as a product that offers exercises were conducted to give a practical
maximum discounts at the leading retail and demonstration of how to interact with
food outlets at all Dolmen Mall locations, thus different types of customers.
making it a valuable shopping asset.
The trainer actively engaged all the
In light of this, the program “Dolmen Loyalty participants in various interactive activities
Card Awareness Session” was conducted which helped participants and increased their
at Learning Resource Center and facilitated learning experience.
by Mr. Ahmed Qaiser – Project Lead for the
Dolmen Loyalty Card - and Mr. Sohaib Siddiqui. All the participants were fully engaged
throughout the program and well participated
The program was attended by more than in all training activities, they reflected on the
30 brand ambassadors and it covered the key objectives of the program and shared
benefits of the card , the value proposition their feedback.
for the end customer, the proper way to