Page 8 - Legal Aid CRP EJ Toolkit
P. 8
Violations link
● We clicked on this link to find a list of the various violations associated with the permit.
● TCEQ usually codes the violation as minor or moderate and states which statute the
entity violated.
● If the entity has violations, it is more likely to have an enforcement order referencing
those violations.
One can also search through any filed investigations
● Scroll to the bottom to see: Quick Search, enter full text to refine search, and click on
Search to view results.
● In the box under quick search, search the industry regulated entity number (RN), it can be
found on the main page of the first search we did. (ex: RN100752146)
● One can also use the customer number (CN), but the RN is more accurate because it is
specific to that address. A CN may have multiple RNs.
● The most telling links are compliance investigation toolkits. Sometimes there will be
documents linked when you click on the hyperlink under “ID number,” but this is mostly
trial and error.
● The less important links are correspondence about typical amendments and obtaining
a permit.
One can also search pending/completed permits, enforcement orders, and if any public
comments/meetings occurred to stop a permit.
● Under “Step One:” choose open and closed items.
● Under “Step Two:” you can search by a specific TCEQ ID Number (like a permit
number) or an RN. We usually search by RN.
● Under “Step Three:” check the two boxes to include all possible outcomes.
● Then you can scroll and look for enforcement orders and all the permits the entity applied
for, including renewals of the same permit.
Step Six: Industry Investigator Workshop
In the case of “Shingle Mountain,” when the industry finally pursued permits through the City of
Dallas, the permits were not for the use reflected onsite (e.g., a permit for truck storage and
repair on a site where the main use is shingle grinding). Similarly, even if the industry had the
correct permits that reflect the use, there are requirements based on the zoning of the property
and the type of industry that can only be assessed through on site visits. For example, even if the
operators at “Shingle Mountain” had the correct shingle grinding permit, because it is recycling
facility, the operators must have a visual screen of 9 feet in height with solid masonry, concrete,
or sheet metal wall or chain link fence with metal strips with no stacks higher than 8 feet within
13 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. “TCEQ Online Records Search”,
14 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. “TCEQ Online Records Search”,