P. 15

Women’s Group of the Greens

                                              MEMOIR GROUP

      The Women’s Group of the Greens has had a very busy winter with lots of exciting events happening.
      As part of WGG’s many and varied programs, we sponsor a group of women who are documenting their past expe-
      riences. They are recording their origins and explaining their struggles and triumphs in order to preserve family
      history or just fond memories. These congenial women are capturing the essence of younger days for themselves and
      family members as they share their stories in the supportive and warm environment of the monthly memoir group.
      Any questions can be addressed to Lenore Kagan at or 631-351-4798

     The following was written by Amy Bellow, member of the WGG Memoir Group,
     Objects  from the past...                                 But that was a beverage served only for a short time.
     New and improved is the catch phrase of  today.           Too bad Jello Pudding Pops could not be used for bail,
     Things we used to cherish have sadly gone away.           If  our beloved Bill Cosby needs money to get out of  jail.
     Back then watching tv was so easy every night,            We loved the taste of  milk in our Dunkaroos.
     Three major channels to pick  in black and white.
      Remotes for cable, dvrs, vhs, cds were nowhere in view,  But now we discovered only fiber is good for you.
     You had to physically get up to change to channel two.    Many candies we enjoyed are now part of  our past.
     The shows we watched were family friendly for all.        We know  not everything so good would last.
     My favorite was the zany Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball.     Pixy Stixs with their tart sugary flavor,
     Lawrence Welk and Ed Sullivan entertained us with song.   Delighted our tongue with powder we savored.
     We would sit on our sofa and attempt to sing along.       So many favorite treats became obsolete,
     We met the Beatles and a cute little mouse,               I wish just once I could have them back to eat.
     While sitting so snug in our non -technological house.    Many of  our toys were made only of  wood,
     We watched Perry Mason, the Lone Ranger and Dragnet.      Now you need 4 batteries for anything good.
     We were not even aware of  the dawning of  the internet.  Today i pads, i phones, i pods and such
     If  we needed to pee or perhaps take a drink,             Who would think we would make quite a fuss
     We could not stop the show to get to the sink.            Do we live better with our newfound toys?
     We watched shows that taught us how families should func-  Or was our past life simple enough for girls and boys?
     tion,                                                     I must go answer my i-phone beeping in my purse,
     Although some were quite silly like Petticoat Junction.   Only to discover annoying telemarketers at their worst.
     But we met mothers and fathers who taught their kids well  So many things today are not here to last,
     Lessons we could use today in a world going straight to hell.  I miss the reliability of  my life in the past.
     TV  shows were not the only things that would fade from   But I must keep up with progress no matter the cost,
     sight.                                                    And try to adjust to all the pleasures I have lost.
     Favorite snack foods were also part of  this blight.
     I loved coke flavored with the taste of  lime,

                                                                     LIFE  A T THE GREENS   |  SPRING • 2018         15
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