Page 8 - Brislington FC v Almondsbury 180223
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Brislington FC - A History
The 2017/18 season seen a change in the commi ee with Phil Rex stepping down as
Chairman with club stalwart Steve Jenkins taking on the main role. The commi ee was
completely overhauled with the following taking on roles within the club Lee Williams
(Vice Chairman), Phil Vicary (Treasurer), Angela Hazell (Secretary).
The next couple of season remained much the same. Lee Perks con nued in his role as first
team manager and now had a se led management team of Rich Ford & Kevin Hazell. The
Reserves had a few managers over a couple of years which ended with relega on in the
2018/19 season.
The 2019 / 20 season bought a new problem COVID hit us in March 2020 and all football
was suspended eventually ending with the season being null & void. We also withdrew the
Reserves from the Somerset County league due to player availability issues.
The following season 2020/21 was again suspended a er the Christmas break and again
ended with the being declared null & void. During the 2 disrupted seasons the club were
able to build brand new changing rooms on the far side of the ground a welcome addi on
to the ground.
The 2021/ 22 season bought new challenges with the FA Restructuring the 1 team were
going to have to endure at least 9 trips down to Devon & Cornwall which would stretch the
club finances & player commitment. The club did apply for lateral movement but this was
rejected at a hearing with the FA.
We also restarted the Reserves in the Bristol & District League under manager James Peart
which seen a few former players return to the club.
The season was a hard one on Lee & the 1 team with some heavy defeats and struggling
to field sides that were going to be compe ve in the league.
A er the last game of season away to Millbrook an emergency mee ng was held as the
club knew with the current fuel costs meaning travel costs for the 2022/ 23 season were
going to be hard to meet & the fact that the 1 team management were going step down
as it would be impossible to get a team which could compete in the Western League.
The club made the hard decision to apply for voluntary relega on to Division 1. This was
granted and secured the future of the club. The decision was made harder due to the fact
that we had been members of the Premier Division for 20+ years.
The 2022 / 23 season has bought new hope and we have managed to keep our
management team and retain a lot of last seasons playing squad.
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