Page 232 - International Marketing
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                             234                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                             addition to the Opening Bank, provided the
                             stipulated documents are presented in ac-  Liabilities/Responsibi-
                             cordance with the terms and conditions of  lities of the Parties to
                             the credit within the due date.           the Letter of Credit
                                 5. Negotiating Bank: The nomination 1. Applicant
                             of bank by the opening bank for negotiation of 2. Issuing Bank
                             documents under a credit does not consti-  3. Advising Bank
                             tute any undertaking on the nominated bank  4. Confirming Bank
                             unless the credit is confirmed by it. Negotiat-  5. Negotiating Bank
                             ing Bank may be the bank of the beneficiary  6. Reimbursing Bank
                             of the credit. Issuing Bank will reimburse the
                             nominated bank if it had negotiated the documents as per the Letter of
                                 6. Reimbursing Bank: Reimbursing bank will reimburse the claim
                             made by the negotiating bank under a credit. It need not insist for submis-
                             sion of any certificate of compliance from the Negotiating Bank along with
                             their claim. The Issuing Bank will have prior arrangement or provide suffi-
                             cient funds with the reimbursing bank for honouring the reimbursement
                             claim as and when it is made. The role of the reimbursing bank is further
                             clarified with the introduction of Uniform Rules For Bank To Bank Reim-
                             bursement. Which has come into effect from July 1, 1996.
                             Procedure of Opening of Letter of Credit
                                 The following is the procedure for the opening of letter of credit:
                                 1. Importer’s Request: If the method of payment agreed between
                             the importer and exporter is through letter of credit then the importer re-
                             quests his bank to open a letter of credit in
                             favour of  exporter, either  by paying  the  Procedure of Opening
                             amount of letter of credit or by requesting  of Letter of Credit
                             credit to that extent.
                                 2. Issue of Letter of Credit: The issu-  1. Importer’s Request
                             ing bank issues letter of credit in favour of  2. Issue of Letter of Credit
                             the exporter and sends it to its branch lo-  3. Receipt of Letter of
                             cated in exporter’s country (advising bank) .  Credit
                             The issuing bank may also request advising 4. Shipment of Goods
                             bank to add its confirmation, if desired by 5. Negotiation of
                             the beneficiary.                          Documents
                                 3. Receipt of Letter of Credit: The 6. Re-imbursement of
                             exporter takes the possession of the letter  Payment
                             of credit from the advising bank. He should  7. Documents to Importer
                             check the relevant details in the letter of credit
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