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                                 3. Construction Works Policy: This policy covers civil construction
                             jobs as well as turnkey projects involving supplies and services. This policy
                             covers construction contracts both with private and foreign government.
                                 This policy covers 85% of loss suffered on account of contracts with
                             government agencies and 75% of loss suffered on account of construction
                             contracts with private parties.
                                 The following risks are covered in case of contracts with government
                             employers or if the payments are guaranteed by the employer's government:
                                 (i)  Default of the Government employer.
                                 (ii) Delay in the transfer of payments to India.
                                 (iii) War between India and the employer's country.
                                 (iv) Imposition of import or export licensing for goods or materials manu-
                                     factured or purchased by the contractor after the date of contract,
                                     for use on the contract and for which on the date of loss the em-
                                     ployer has no obligation to pay in terms of the contract.
                                 (v)  Civil war or similar disturbances in the employer's country.
                                 (vi) Additional handling, transport or insurance charges due to inter-
                                     ruption or diversion of voyage.
                             (C) Financial Guarantees
                                 Exporters require adequate financial support from banks to carry out
                             their export contracts. ECGC backs the lending programmes of banks by
                             issuing financial guarantees. The guarantees protect the banks from losses
                             on account of their lending to exporters. Six guarantees have been evolved
                             for this purpose.
                                 These guarantees give protection to banks against losses due to
                             non-payment by exporters on account of their insolvency or default. The
                             ECGC charges a premium for its services that may vary from 5 paise to
                             7.5 paise per month for Rs. 100/-. The premium charged depends upon
                             the type of guarantee and it is subject to change, if ECGC so desires.
                                 1. Packing Credit Guarantee: Any loan given to exporter for the
                             manufacture, processing, purchasing or packing of goods meant for ex-
                             port against a firm order of L/c qualifies for this guarantee.
                                 Pre-shipment advances given by banks to firms who enters contracts
                             for export of services or for construction works abroad to meet preliminary
                             expenses are also eligible for cover under this guarantee. ECGC pays two
                             thirds of the loss.
                                 2. Export Production Finance Guarantee: This guarantee enables
                             banks to provide finance at pre-shipment stage to the full extent of the
                             domestic cost of production and subject to certain guidelines.
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