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                             252                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                                 3. General Agreements on Trade in Services.
                                 4. Understanding on Rules and Procedures governing the settlement
                                    of Disputes.
                                 5. Plurilateral Trade Agreements.
                                 6. Trade Policy Review Mechanism.
                             WTO Structure
                                 The organization structure of the WTO is outlined in the following
                                 The Ministerial Conference (MC) is at the top of the structural organi-
                             zation of the WTO. It is the supreme governing body which takes ultimate
                             decisions on all matters. It is constituted by representative (usually, Min-
                             isters of Trade) of all the member countries.
                                 The General Council (GC) is composed of the representatives of all
                             the members. It is the real engine of the WTO which acts on behalf of the
                             MC. It also acts as the Dispute settlement Body as well as the Trade
                             Policy Review Body.
                                 There are three councils, viz; the council for Trade in services and the
                             council for Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
                             operating under the GC. These councils with their subsidiary bodies carry
                             out their specific responsibilities.

                                                           Structure of WTO
                                                       Ministerial Conference
                                                         General Council
                                           Dispute                        Trade Policy
                                          Settlement                     Review Body
                                            Body                           (TPRB)
                                          Councils:         Director      Committees
                                            I.II,III        General         I,II,III
                                            I. For                        I.On Trade &
                                          Trade in                       Development
                                     II. For Trade in Services  Secretariat of the  II. On BOP
                                                             WTO          Restrictions
                                         III. For Trade
                                           Related                       III. On Budget
                                          Aspects of                       Finance &
                                          Intellectual                   Administration
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