Page 247 - International Marketing
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                             BRILLIANT'S                     Export Management           249

                                 2. Insurance Cover for Buyer's Credit and Lines of Credit: Finan-
                             cial Institutions in India have started direct lending to buyers or financial
                             institutions in developing countries for importing machinery and equip-
                             ment from India. This sort of financing facilitates immediate payment to
                             exporters and frees them from the problem of credit management. ECGC
                             has evolved this scheme to protect financial institutions in India which in
                             extent to export credit to overseas buyers or institutions.
                                 3. Overseas Investment Insurance: With the increasing exports of
                             capital goods and turnkey projects from India, the involvement of export-
                             ers in capital anticipation in overseas projects has assumed importance.
                             ECGC has evolved this scheme to provide protection for such investment.
                             Normally the insurance cover is for 15 years.                                      
                                     WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO)
                             Q.38. Write on  essay  on: W.T.O.- Contribution,  structure  and
                                   working.                                       [MBA-2011]
                                   Highlight various aspects of WTO in International Trade.
                                   Write short note on: Impact of WTO on Indian business.

                                 The Uruguay Round of GATT negotiations concluded on April 15, 1994
                             at Marrakesh,Morocco, India along with 123 Minutes besides the EC coun-
                             tries signed the Final Act in corporating the Eighth round of multilateral
                             trade negotiations. The final Act consists of- the WTO Agreement which
                             covers, the formation of the organization and the rules governing its work-
                             ing and (2) the Ministerial decisions and declarations which contain the
                             important agreements covering trade goods, services, intellectual prop-
                             erty and pluriliteral trade. They also contain the dispute settlement rules
                             and trade policy review system. The WTO Agreement is in fact the Uru-
                             guay Round Agreements whereby the original GATT is now a part of the
                             WTO Agreement which came into force from January 1, 1995.
                             The Nature of WTO
                                 The WTO is the successor to the GATT, the GATT was a forum where
                             the member countries met from time to time to discuss and solve world
                             trade problems. But the WTO is a properly established permanent world
                             trade organization. It has a legal status and enjoys privileges and immuni-
                             ties on the same footing as the IMF and the World Bank. It includes.
                                 (i)  the GATT as modified by the Uruguay Round.
                                 (ii) all agreements and arrangements concluded under the GATT, and
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