Page 249 - International Marketing
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                                 3. It provides the  forum for  negotiations among its  members
                                    concerning then multilateral trade relations in matters relating to
                                    the agreements and framework for the implementation of the result
                                    of such negotiations, as decided by the Ministerial conference.
                                 4. It administers the understanding on rules and procedures governing
                                    the settlement of disputes of the agreements.
                                 5. It cooperates with the IMF and the World Bank and its affiliated
                                    agencies with a view to achieving greater coherence in global
                                    economic policy making.
                             Major Implications of WTO
                                 1. Security of Access to International Markets: In addition to tariff
                             reductions agreed under the Uruguay Round, a large number of tariff lines
                             in trade in goods among the member countries have bound against further
                             increases. Such bindings ensure that improved access to international
                             markets resulting from tariff reductions is not disrupted by sudden in-
                             crease in the rate of import duties or imposition of other restrictions by
                             importing countries. Thus, the binding enables international marketing firms
                             to prepare investment and production plans under conditions of certainty
                             resulting from secured access to international markets.
                                 2. Stability of Access to International Markets: The WTO system
                             also provides stability of access to international markets by instructing all
                             member countries to apply at their respective borders the uniform set of
                             rules proposed in various agreements. The adoption of such uniform rules
                             helps international marketing firms to eliminate dissimilarities in the re-
                             quirements of different markets.
                                 3. Implications for Importers of Raw Materials and Other In-
                             puts: A firm operating in international markets often has to import raw
                             materials and intermediate products and services for export production
                             purposes. The basic rule requiring imports to be allowed in without further
                             restrictions upon payment of duties and obligation to ensure that the other
                             national regulations applied at the border conform to the uniform rules laid
                             down by the agreements facilitate imports.
                             WTO Agreement
                                 The Agreement establishing the WTO consists of the following which
                             embody the results of the Uruguay Round of the Multilateral Trade Nego-
                                 1. Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods : GATT Rules 1994.
                                 2. Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
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