Page 253 - International Marketing
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BRILLIANT'S                     Export Management           255

                                 1. Promotes economic development:
                             UNCTAD aims at the economic development  Functions of UNCTAD
                             of the under-developed and developing coun- 1. Promotes economic
                             tries. The various policies meant for that,  development
                             whether at national or international level, 2. Provides conssions
                             should be directed towards benefits of devel-  3. Provides financial
                             oping countries. It enhances the development  assistance
                             by solving the problems relating to interna-  4. Special measures  for
                             tional trade.                             least developed ones
                                 2. Provides concessions: The devel-  5. Assistance from
                             oped countries impose various types of re-  developed ones
                             strictions on the exports of developing coun-
                             tries, in the form of licensing, quotas, tariffs  6. Solves debt problem
                             and packaging regulations, etc. Therefore,  7. Technology Transfer
                             there has been a continuous deterioration of  8. Export credit
                             the products of developing countries and share  refinancing
                             of exports of developing countries was con- 9. Other functions
                             tinuously falling. NPP
                                 Thus, UNCTAD provides tariff and non-tariff concessions to the devel-
                             oping countries for promoting their exports.
                                 3. Provides financial assistance: UNCTAD provides financial as-
                             sistance to the developing countries through international financial institu-
                             tions and developed countries. The World Bank and various other institu-
                             tions were invited by UNCTAD to provide more financial assistance to the
                             developing countries. As a result, it promotes economic development of
                             the developing countries.
                                 4. Special measures for least developed ones: United nations
                             has named the least development countries as "hard - core countries".
                             For their proper development, UNCTAD has asked various aid agencies to
                             adopt suitable measures. They should receive high priority and higher
                                 5. Assistance from developed ones: UNCTAD stressed that each
                             developed country should contribute 1% of its GNP at market price as
                             development assistance to the developing countries.
                                 6. Solves debt problem: The repayment schedule of the debts of
                             developing countries is very short. Most of them are unable to repay their
                             debts within the prescribed time. Thus, UNCTAD stressed the need to
                             change the lending policies of IMF and World Bank in the interest of devel-
                             oping countries.
                                 7. Technology Transfer: The developed countries have modern and
                             advanced technology, better research facilities, advanced training and
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