Page 252 - International Marketing
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254                International Marketing          BRILLIANT'S

                             constituted. In August 1962, UNO passed a resolution to convene a con-
                             ference on trade and development. United nations recognized the need for
                             adopting measures by developed countries to bridge the gap between rich
                             and poor nations. All these developments led to the convening of the first
                             United Nations  Conference on Trade and Development in Geneva in 1964.
                                 Since then, such conferences have been held normally after every
                             four years. The various conferences held uptil now are in the following
                             years and places:
                                 Conference         Place                          Year
                                 UNCTAD - I         Geneva                        1964
                                 UNCTAD - II        New Delhi                     1968
                                 UNCTAD - III       Santiago                       1972
                                 UNCTAD - IV        Nairobi                       1976
                                 UNCTAD - V         Manila                         1980
                                 UNCTAD - VI        Belgrade                      1984
                                 UNCTAD - VII NPP                                 1988
                                 UNCTAD - VIII      Columbia                      1992
                                 UNCTAD - IX        Midrand (South Africa)         1996
                                 UNCTAD - X         Bangkok (Thailand)             2000
                                 UNCTAD - XI        Sao Paulo                      2004
                                 UNCTAD - XII       Ghana                          2008

                             Objectives of UNCTAD
                                 The various objectives of UNCTAD as laid down by UN General As-
                             sembly are as follows:
                                 1. To promote international  trade and  accelerate the economic
                                    development of developing countries.
                                 2. To harmonize the trade with regional economic groupings, such
                                    as, SAARC, ASEAN, etc.
                                 3. To  solve the problems related  to trade  and development  of
                                    developing countries.
                                 4. To formulate plans and programs for implementing the policies
                                    towards economic development of developing countries.
                                 5. To negotiate and adopt multilateral trade agreements with regard
                                    to existing international organizations such as, IMF, GATT, World
                                    Bank, etc.
                             Functions of UNCTAD

                                 The main functions of UNCTAD are as follows:
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