Page 21 - BiTS_07_JULY_2023
P. 21

excited to hear the whole of his new album. And hopefully, tour with him again because we did
    actually have a Poland tour postponed just before March 2020 when everything locked down
    and shut down. We were due to go on the road that April, and of course, it all got cancelled. So
    that still needs to happen because we did play a couple of Polish festivals in 2019 together, which
    were a great success, so that was the reason for the tour. So yes, it would just be great to get back
    on the road with Krissy as well because we do get on really well and perform – we gel together
    on stage, you know.

    BiTS:  Yeah, I'm sorry you cut out right
    at the very beginning of that. So I didn't
    hear  what  you  said  about  the  person
    who it is that you're going to be working

    CLM:  So, yes, I'm going to be on Krissy
    Matthews' new album, due out later this
    year.  He  called  me  up  and  asked  if  I
    would guest on a couple of tracks. So
    that's  what  I  did.  I  recorded  at  home
    because,  you  know,  there's  a  few
    hundred miles between us, so I had to
    record  at  home,  which  isn't  my
    favourite thing to do, if I'm honest. I do
    find it a bit of a bore, like.

    BiTS:  Is that something you're going to
    continue doing? What are your plans for
    the future to go back to performing?

    CLM:    Yes,  I  do  miss  performing  and
    being out on the road. My band, at the
    moment, they're all taking a bit of time out. My guitarist Max, he had some ill health at the start
    of the year, so he's sort of out of action for a few months, really. I mean, he's still teaching, he's
    doing really well, he's recovering really well, but he can't be out on the road, say, for like days at
    a time or anything. So my own music with what was my band is taking a backseat really at the
    moment. I think I need to figure out a new path really with my music.

    BiTS:  How old is the baby now?

    CLM:  I guess she's not so baby anymore. She'll be two in July, so yes, it's been amazing. That's
    another journey altogether.

    BiTS:  But are you actually looking for gigs at the moment or not?

    CLM:  The thing is with my gigs because I’m living back in Wales now as well, a lot of my work
    is away, you know, or up and down the country. It’s not really on my doorstep, so like I say, I
    don't want to be away from my little one, not at the moment anyway, while she's still so young.
    Unless, like I say, she can be with me. I have done gigs, and she's been there backstage. I actually
    did my first gig after having her, she was five weeks old, and she actually was backstage with my
    husband. So she's actually been to about four or five gigs of mine, and I played a festival last year
    with my band in North Wales, which was the North Wales Blues and Soul Festival, and again, on
    my doorstep. But a lot of my work was away from home, and I don't want to do that right now.
    With her being so young, I don't want to leave her.
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