Page 18 - BiTS_07_JULY_2023
P. 18


     Cherry  cut  her  teeth  endlessly  playing  the  rowdy  bars  and  clubs  in  her
     hometown in north Wales from the age of 12, developing not only her powerful
     soulful voice, but her performance and style too.

     It wasn't until later on, that Cherry became immersed in old school country,
     blues and rock'n'roll music from her dad's record collection and picked up a

     'bargain-bin guitar', learnt some chords and started putting pen to paper.

     Not  long  after  her  move  from  Wales  to  Bedford,  Cherry  and  Max  Milligan
     self-released an album, “Little Girl Blue”, on which they re-arranged 11 early
     blues numbers, including songs by Memphis Minnie, Robert Johnson and Jelly

     Roll Morton.

     In 2021, Cherry gave birth to  her daughter.  She is now back in Wales.

    CLM:  Hello, Ian.

    BiTS:  Hello, Cherry. Nice to speak to you.

    CLM:  Yes, you too. How are you?

    BiTS:  Is everything okay? Have you got the children
    looked after?

    CLM:  Yes, child, just one. I've only had one [laughs].

    BiTS:  [Laughing] It's only one, is it?

    CLM:  Yes, just the one.
    BiTS:    Okay,  well,  let's  make  a  start.  I've  been  very

    impressed with the music that you've produced so
    far, but you've had a bit of a layoff. When are
    you coming back?

    CLM:    Well,  that's  the  million-dollar
    question, isn't it? Yes, see, since becoming a
    mum, it's like I can't just swan off anymore, you
    know,  like  how  I  used  to  [chuckling],  unless
    there's a big tour bus involved where she can
    come with me. She's not even 2 yet so I don't really
    want to spend a long time away from her either. But
    I am recording quite a bit at home and guesting on other people's
    recordings too. So there are, you know, things going on. I'm just
    not performing as much.

    BiTS:  Well, let's talk about that in a minute. First of all, let's take
    a step back and tell me how did you get into music in the first
    place? Did you start music when you were a kid or what?

    CLM:  I did. I was oh, seven when I just knew I wanted to
    sing. I just wanted to sing and that's all I did. I remember
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