Page 19 - BiTS_07_JULY_2023
P. 19

taking up piano and violin for a bit, but then that scene, you know, fell by the wayside and it was
    just singing was all I wanted to do. So I just would perform at any opportunity. I did a lot out of
    school. I used to gig. You know, I was about 12 when I started gigging. Really supportive family,

    bought me my first PA and my dad was like my roadie, you know, and he'd come to all the gigs
    with me and yes, I was just out there cutting my teeth, really. Learning what it's all about by doing
    it and just always followed it through.

    BiTS:  And tell me, what was your love in music then? I mean, I know you go by the name of
                                                                               Cherry  Lee  Mewis,  but  is  rock
                                                                               and roll your thing? Is that Jerry

                                                                               CLM:  Lee is a middle name, and
                                                                               it was an old manager I used to
                                                                               work with. I used to just go by
                                                                               my first name in the early days,
                                                                               Cherry, and then he saw my full
                                                                               name on a contract, and he said
                                                                               you should use your full name.
                                                                               So  it  tied  in  quite  well  when  I
                                                                               started  working  with  Max
                                                                               Milligan,  my  guitarist  and  co-
                                                                               writer because I was changing
                                                                               genres  of  what  I'd  previously
                                                                               been  doing,  I  added  on  my
                                                                               middle name and my surname
                                                                               or my maiden name, Mewis and
                                                                               then  I  was  Cherry  Lee  Mewis.

                                                                               But yes, a lot of people asked me
                                                                               was I named after Jerry Lee, but
                                                                               I wasn't, I actually wasn't. Mum
                                                                               and dad didn't even realise until
    my christening, apparently and my uncle pointed it out [laughs]. I do love him, though as well.
    He's passed now, hasn’t he? But I did actually meet the guy a few years back in Mississippi, and
    that was pretty, pretty special.

    BiTS:  Oh, that's right. What do you think was your outstanding, let's say, contribution before
    you had the baby? What do you think was the best thing you've done?

    CLM:  Oh, so many highlights, you know. I’ve been so fortunate to travel the world. Which is
    another thing I always wanted to do and that was, you know, by singing, doing these jazz tours
    on ships. So I was able to see so much of the world. Highlights, it was working with Bernie
    Marsden on his album a few years back now. We recorded at Abbey Road Studios, which is on
    most musicians' bucket list, singing at Morgan Freeman’s Blues Club in Mississippi, Ground Zero.
    But you know, all that's great, but having my band, my consistent band throughout the years,
    12/13/14 years, has been just the cherry on top if you like because we just get on so well and
    they add to it because if you've got a band and you don't get on and it's drama, you know, then
    you can't enjoy the rest of it, and we are genuine friends.

    BiTS:  Is there any place that you played in where you kind of had a sudden moment where you
    thought to yourself, what on Earth am I doing here? This is absolutely wonderful.
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