Page 22 - BiTS_07_JULY_2023
P. 22

BiTS:  I guess that with the baby and things that you weren't hugely affected by COVID? Did you
    have gigs cancelled because of COVID?

    CLM:  Oh yes. I had the tour with Krissy. We were supposed to do a Poland two-week tour. That
    was in March 2020, so that was like right at the start. That got cancelled. That still needs to be

    done. A lot of gigs with my band, festivals, and I work a lot with Pink Floyd. I do all the theatres
                                                               with them. Everything got cancelled, yes. So I
                                                               did  have  a  lot  of  work  cancelled  or
                                                               rescheduled. But then we decided to try for a
                                                               baby [chuckling] later that year, and yes, I had
                                                               her in 2021.

                                                               BiTS:  Is there anything at the moment that
                                                               you're really looking forward to?

                                                               CLM:    I  would  say  I'm  looking  forward  to
                                                               Krissy's  album  coming  out  and  seeing  the
                                                               reception  that  gets  and  then  obviously  our
                                                               follow-up tour, which still needs to happen.
                                                               And  I  think  from  next  year,  I  will  be  doing
    more live stuff because my little one will be a bit older and I think it'll be easier, you know. So
    yes, there's loads coming up, but I need to just like appreciate – well, I do, I appreciate this
    moment now and becoming a mother and watching her grow up is just amazing, you know, and
    if you miss that, you're not going to get it back. Whereas gigs come and go, and you can get back
    out there, you know, whereas this chapter of my little girl's life, I'm not going to get back, am I?
    It's been a massive transition, I would say, from being a musician up and down the country or
    overseas, here, there and everywhere, and then you know, now you're like a mother, and you’re
    at home, so I have found it's a massive transition [laughs]. But we have so many adventures;
    she's amazing.

    BBiTS:  When you go back is that what you're going to be known as, Cherry Lee Mewis?

    CLM:  Oh yes, I'm not changing that. I  changed on Facebook, but I've still got my music page on
    Facebook, which is Mewis, but yes, Cherry Lee Mewis will stay, which is nice because I've got a
    sister. I've got no brothers, so Mewis it's like they're gone now, you know, there'll be no more,
    which is really sad. My dad's got two sisters, so there's no more men to carry the name on [laughs].

    BiTS:  Okay, that's wonderful. Thank you, Cherry, for speaking to me. It's really very much
    appreciated, and I'll let you know as soon as this is going to be published as well.

    CLM:  Brilliant. Are you able to mention my website as well and all that,

    BiTS:  Yes, I will do. Of course, I will. Look after yourself. Have a nice day.

    CLM:  Thanks, Ian. Thanks so much for asking.

    BiTS:  Bye.

    CLM:  Bye now. Bye.
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