Page 144 - Nuwaupian Rules...Preface-Chapters 999.1 - 999.2 - 999.3 - 999.4 - 999.5 - 999.6 - 999.7 - 999.8 - 999.9
P. 144
– NUWAUPIAN RULES of the 24,000 Year Cycle for the Hereafter –
revealed; there is still time left while alive to avoid this qadar Qadar “Fate”.
Do Right For Right’s sake
Do Good For Good’s sake”
From paa Laraq Paa Ṫaraq “The Way” – Chap. 46 – “Paa Tahama 'The
Accused'” – v. 29-in part, 30-31, 34-35
“29. (in part)...Don't ever be the aggressor. 30. Aggression that leads to violence
is an evil act. 31. Never be the aggressive one. 34. Nuwaupians do not hurt other
Nuwaupians 35. Nuwaupians do not abuse other Nuwaupians.”
138. JUSTICES – Highway Robbery **Each item taken using the act of stealing,
robbery, and/or fraud will constitute a separate offense or be joined together
depending on the incident. Bullying will not be tolerated! (Expulsion of a child
from the Tribe is always to be considered as “extreme action” and only used as a
last resort.)
First Offense: Compensation for victim – item/s must be returned to the owner or
if items are not returnable, pay the cost of the item/s, minimum 30 days white-
balled up to 1 year juvenile detention, 54 hrs in the “Bee Hive”, & a fine of
$99.00 to $540.00; follow-up review with the 24 Elders.
Second Offense: Compensation for victim – item/s must be returned to the owner
or if items are not returnable, pay the cost of the item/s, 60 days white-balled up
to 3 years juvenile detention, 90 hrs in the “Bee Hive”, & a fine of $540.00 to
$999.00; follow-up review with the 24 Elders.
Third Offense: Temporary disfellowship/expulsion for 9 months, item/s of equal
value returned to the victim; plus follow–up review with the 24 Elders & a fine of
$999.00 to be paid before re-instatement in the Tribe, hrs in the “Bee Hive” to be
determined at review for re-instatement.
139. Trespass: a violation of moral or social ethics: transgression; an unlawful act
committed on the person, property, or rights of another; especially, a wrongful
entry on real property. (reference from – – online