Page 11 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI
P. 11



 Winners stand out by combining the
 tangible attributes of their product
 with the compelling emotional
 qualities customers are looking
 for – what they believe, desire, fear
 and remember. They compete not
 only with products but define and
 lead markets with ideas, arguments,
 concepts, stories and values.  STAND FOR  STAND APART   STAND OUT

 Successful consumer marketing   Have a strong   Control the game.    Be memorable,
 has exploited this competitive   purpose and goal to   Be unique in the    attractive and
 advantage for years. Where    generate inspiration,   way you deliver your   visible so you create
 product choice increases and   belief and desire.   products. Set the   more trust. Use the
 tangible differentiation decreases,   Articulate what is   criteria on which    brand to stand out
 what you stand for, how you stand   wrong and position    your competition    from the crowd:
 apart and how you stand out   to make it right.   are judged.  look different.
 increasingly provides the basis
 for differentiation.

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