Page 9 - LittleBookofPositioning_KB_DIGI
P. 9



 is the same:


 In many business-to-business
 sectors competitors often look,
 sound and feel the same. All make
 similar claims and differentiation
 is hard to discern leading to the
 ‘symptom of price’.

 A dominant ‘physical’ position (based on market share   The defining characteristic of   Therefore positioning is not
 and revenue alone) does not guarantee or sustain   competitive advantage is not    only rational it is emotional
 competitive advantage. Likewise, technical performance   only measurable difference but    too. Differentiation comes
 and tangible measurement cannot explain why the   the perception of difference.    when the two sides are
 underdog can position itself to succeed or an identical   When everyone zigs, you zag.  balanced and in harmony.
 product can win at a higher price.

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