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Life of the Party
Jones Makes Every Day a Celebration
Realizing one dream didn’t quite pan out for Jordan Jones,
so she had another one.
In 2013 at age 23, Jones left Dallas to fulfill her dream
of living in San Francisco. However, she found herself strug- on Instagram and other outlets has led to partnerships
gling with a marketing job she didn’t enjoy much and the with Reese Witherspoon’s Draper James and the Dallas
daunting task of making friends in a new city. One night she Cowboys, among others. Her success is also attracting
called home and shared these woes with her mom, who investors aiming to fund women blazing trails in business.
responded like a tried and true Texas woman. “She was like, “To have a business during this time when so many other
‘You’re having a pity party for yourself,’” Jones recalls. “’I females are starting businesses and cheering one another
love you, but we’re not doing this.’” on, I think it’s an amazing time.” Jones is not only excited
That night Jones dreamed she sent herself a pity party to be part of this movement but is also quick to honor the
package—and Packed Party was born. women who have mentored her. “So much of my success I
The company started out selling party-for-one care can contribute to women I’ve met along the way that have PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF PACKED PARTY
packages. Now in some 5,000 stores worldwide, its prod- given me advice or a kick in the butt or whatever it was I
ucts help make life a party, such as confetti-festooned needed at the time.” —Lindsay Whelchel
office supplies, festive bags and novelty drinkware,
including its signature disco ball-shaped adult sippy cup. Packed Party’s merchandise is available at
In 2016 Packed Party relocated to Austin and opened a and in stores such as Neiman Marcus and Dillard’s.
pop-up shop on South Congress last year.
“To be able to be a part of people’s big moments and
not even know it is something I can’t put into words.”
Packed Party has allowed the entrepreneuse to
return to her lifelong love for design. Upon realizing
how frequently she asked suppliers to tweak items,
Jones began designing and making her own prod-
ucts. “I think having the ability to design products
that bring so much joy to women, that encourage
them to celebrate the little things every day and
then give to one another, that’s really been the
most rewarding part of my job.”
Jones parlayed her marketing background into
social media success for Packed Party. Its popularity
42 WATERWAYS | February 2019