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               Magic Mirror and Cynthia Germanotta,                                            Andra Liemandt
               co-founder of the Born This Way Foundation
               with daughter Stefani, aka Lady Gaga
                                                                                          Enoughie Buddy at a TKC event

                I Am Enough

                The Kindness Campaign Arms
                Kids with Self-Acceptance, Empathy

                “I know what it’s like to feel different, but being different
                isn’t a bad thing. Every morning I look in the mirror and
                remind myself I AM ENOUGH.” —Enoughie Buddy

                The Kindness Campaign (TKC) aims to instill in students
                as early as prekindergarten a powerful force for positive
                change: intentional acts of kindness.           Enoughie helps students engage with the materials and
                   Now present in all 82 Austin Independent School    one another to build their kindness toolkits.
                District elementary schools, the organization’s curriculum   To further its work, the organization holds KIND-
                helps children identify their emotions, develop empathy   NESSPALOOZA events to bring Enoughie Buddy as well
                and build their sense of self-worth, all to promote “a kinder   as the Magic Mirror self-affirmation experience to even
                pattern of behavior” to reduce bullying.        more children and adults. These events have taken place
                   TKC was born out of tragedy. Upon learning that a   at South by Southwest 2018, the Hill Country Galleria and
                friend’s 12-year-old daughter had taken her own life in   Barton Creek Square.
                response to bullying, founder Andra Liemandt in 2015   TKC has even made inroads to adult education. It has
                began creating a journal and a character—Enoughie Bud-  partnered with Paul Mitchell Schools to roll out its Corpo-
                dy—to teach her daughters about emotional awareness,   rate Kindness program in the more than 100 Paul Mitchell
                empathy and kindness and because she felt compelled to   Schools across the U.S.
                do something positive. The project gained momentum,   The Kindness Campaign has received funding and   PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY OF THE KINDNESS CAMPAIGN
                and the organization debuted its social-emotional learning   accolades  from  several  organizations,  including  Lady
                curriculum in five AISD elementary schools during the   Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Liemandt herself was
                2015-2016 school year.                          recognized in 2018 by Austin Woman with a Woman’s Way
                   The lesson plans, coloring books and journals build   Business Award in the Social Impact category.
                on TKC’s four essential pillars of learning: self-image,
                emotional awareness, empathy and community. Mascot   Learn more about The Kindness Campaign at

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