Page 298 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 298

Case 5

               SITUATION:                               NJCAA Release Agreement

                   Can a student-athlete who signs an NJCAA Letter of Intent with Community College A for the academic year and then  transfers to
               Community College B during the term of that Letter of Intent, receive athletic aid from Community College B?
                   No. A student-athlete who is bound by a Letter of Intent to Community College A is unrecruitable and cannot receive  institutional athletic
               aid from Community College B without first receiving a signed Release Agreement from Community College  A.

                                                                Case 6

               SITUATION:                            Transfer Paperwork Requirements
                   Student-Athlete R is signed to a Letter of Intent and participates at Community College A during the 2019-2020 academic  year.  Student-
               Athlete R transfers to Community College B for the 2020-2021 academic year.  What documents are required for  the student to be eligible at
               Community College B?
                   At a minimum, the following documents must be on file at Community College B for Student-Athlete R to be considered for  NJCAA
               eligibility at Community College B. Additional documents may be required based on the student specific history and  situation.
                        1.  NJCAA Transfer Waiver since the student was signed to a Letter of Intent in the previous academic year.
                        2.  Complete official transcripts or copies of the student’s official academic transcript.

                                                                Case 7
               SITUATION:                    Transfers without a Release Agreement/Transfer Waiver

                   Student-Athlete R signs an NJCAA Letter of Intent for the 2020-2021 academic year at Community College A but never  enrolls. Student-
               Athlete R chooses to go to Community College B instead and enrolls in the fall 2020 term.  In what capacity  may Student-Athlete R participate
               at Community College B?
                   If Student-Athlete R does not receive a Release Agreement signed by Community College A, he/she cannot participate,  practice, become
               a manager, be associated with athletics nor may Student-Athlete R receive athletic aid at Community College  B during the 2020-2021
               academic year. Student-Athlete R may have contact with athletics staff at Community College B if and  only if they are released from their letter
               of intent at Community College A or the terms of the signed NJCAA Letter of Intent  expire.  In addition, a Transfer Waiver is required if they are
               to be considered for participation at Community College B.
                                                                 Case 8
                                   Release Agreements - Student Responsible for Paying Expenses at Release Date
                   At the end of the women’s basketball season Student-Athlete R asks her athletic director for a Release Agreement so she  can be a
               recruitable athlete.  She also wants to receive the remainder of her athletic scholarship for the academic year.  Can  the student still receive
               her athletic scholarship after a Release Agreement has been signed and submitted online?
                   No.  As per the bylaw: A Release Agreement that is submitted online is for a student-athlete “no longer receiving or  intending to
               receive athletic aid.”  Therefore, once the Release Agreement has been submitted online, the student-athlete is  responsible for paying for
               his/her own educational and living expenses from the date the release is granted through the  remainder of the year.  The student-athlete
               will also become a recruitable athlete at the time of the release or the end of the  term which the sport ended, whichever is later.

                                                                 Case 9

               SITUATION:                            Scholarship Limitation – Graduation
                   As of March 12 , Community College A has 15 basketball players receiving athletic aid, 13 players that began the season  and two more
               that were added at the beginning of the spring semester.  Of those 15 players, nine of them will graduate from  Community College A on May
               15 .  Can Community College A add nine additional players for the upcoming summer school  session due to the nine players lost to
                   Yes.  Community College A will need to submit Release Agreements online for each of the nine student-athletes when they  graduate to
               free up those scholarships prior to signing the new nine student-athletes to Letters of Intent for the summer session.
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