Page 299 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 299


                                                                Case 1

               SITUATION:                  NJCAA Letter of Intent Signee Attending Non-Member School
                   Student-Athlete R signs an NJCAA Letter of Intent with Community College A.  Student-Athlete R then decides to attend a  college which
               is not a member of the NJCAA.  Is Student-Athlete R's NJCAA Letter of Intent automatically invalid?
                   No.  Community College A must submit a Release Agreement online to gain the Letter of Intent slot.  Student-Athlete R  may not return
               to a NJCAA member school and participate in athletics or receive athletic aid in that same academic year until  the terms of his/her original
               Letter of Intent is completed or the Release Agreement has been signed and submitted online. If  the student returns to a member college,
               they would require a Transfer Waiver from Community College A since they were  signed to a Letter of Intent in the previous, current or
               upcoming academic year.

                                                                Case 2

               SITUATION:                    NJCAA Release Agreement for a 4-Year Multiple Transfer

                   Student-Athlete R signs an NJCAA Letter of Intent at Community College A for the 2019-2020 academic year in the sport of  baseball.  He
               decides before the start of the fall 2018 term that he wants to go to an NCAA institution instead.  Student-      Athlete R is not released from his
               NJCAA Letter of Intent.  After attending the NCAA institution during the fall term he decides to  transfer to Community College B to participate in
               baseball during the spring 2020 term.  Does Student-Athlete R need a signed  Release Agreement from Community College A in order to
               participate at Community College B?
                   Yes. Student-Athlete R’s Letter of Intent is for the 2019-2020 academic year at Community College A.  This Letter of Intent  does not
               automatically become invalid because of his attendance during the fall term at a non-member college and therefore he  must be released by
               Community College A before he is recruitable by any other NJCAA member college for the remainder of  the 2018-2019 academic year.  In this
               case, the original terms of the Letter of Intent have not been fulfilled and therefore the  Release Agreement must be signed.
                   If the Release Agreement is not signed by Community College A, he remains unrecruitable and may not have any contact  with any
               member of the athletic department at Community College B or any other member college.  Student-Athlete R may not  practice or be involved
               in any way with any athletic team at Community College B until the original terms of the Letter of Intent  at Community College A have been
               fulfilled. Student-Athlete R also requires a Transfer Waiver from Community College A in  order to be certified for participation.



                                                                Case 1
               SITUATION:                    Non-Letter of Intent Signee – Season Over – Still in Term
                       Student-Athlete R is a walk-on volleyball athlete at Community College A.  She is unhappy with her playing time during  the season
               and as soon as the season is over she begins contacting other NJCAA member colleges looking for a team for the  following year.  Is this
               student in violation of NJCAA bylaws?
                       No. She becomes a recruitable athlete at the end of the season.  She is not in violation.

                                                                Case 2

               SITUATION:                    NJCAA Letter of Intent Signee – Representative Contact

                       Student-Athlete R is a basketball player signed to an NJCAA Letter of Intent at Community College A.  Student-Athlete  R’s mother
               contacts Community College B to see if there is interest in her son for the following year.  Has a violation of NJCAA  bylaws taken place?
                       Yes. Student-Athlete R’s mother is acting as a representative of Student-Athlete R who is currently in season and  signed to an
               NJCAA Letter of Intent.  The mother would not be able to make this contact until Student-Athlete R is released  from his Letter of Intent.

                                                               Case 3

                                                         Released – Still in Term
               Student-Athlete R is a basketball player signed to an NJCAA Letter of Intent at Community College A.  Immediately at  the end of the season
               Student-Athlete R is released from their letter of intent.  When does Student-Athlete R become  recruitable once released?
               Student-Athlete R will become recruitable immediately after being released.
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