Page 301 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 301

Case 4

               SITUATION:                  Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit – Entertainment Expenses

                   While Student-Athlete R is on campus for a recruiting visit, may the college provide entertainment expenses for the  Student-
               Athlete R, and may the college pay for long distance telephone calls made by Student-Athlete R?
                   The NJCAA member college may pay for reasonable entertainment expenses during the recruiting visit.  However, cash  may not be
               given directly to the recruit.  Therefore, the ticket, pass, or admissions fee must be purchased by the college for the  prospective student-
               athlete.  Entertainment must be limited to the community the college is located in and may not be for  excessive entertainment.  Receipts for
               all expenditures must be turned into the college accounting office to maintain  consistency with NJCAA regulations.
                   The college may not pay for long distance telephone calls made by the recruit while on the recruiting visit.

                                                                Case 5

               SITUATION:               Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit – Professional Sport Entertainment

                   Student-Athlete R visits Community College A, which is located 20 miles from a major metropolitan area.  In fact, only a  river separates
               the two communities.  During the official recruiting visit, may Community College A take the potential student-  athlete to a professional sports
               event in the major metropolitan city?
                   No.  Community College A is not located within the city.  The duration of the recruiting visit must be limited to the  community in which the
               college is located.  Under no circumstances may the prospect be taken to a professional sports  event.

                                                                Case 6
                                  Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit – Automobile Rental & Reimbursement for Mileage
                   Community College A is recruiting Student-Athlete R whose hometown is 100 miles from Community College A.  On  his/her official
               recruiting visit, Student-Athlete R would like to rent a car and be reimbursed by Community College A for the full  cost of the rental.  Is this
                   No.  Community College A may reimburse Student-Athlete R only for the mileage factor that a college employee would be  reimbursed.
               Assuming a mileage factor of $.36 per mile, Student-Athlete R could be reimbursed $36.00 for his/her rental (100  miles x $.36/mile).

                                                                Case 7

               SITUATION:                      Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit – Greens Fees

                   A high school recruit is on an official paid recruiting visit at Community College A.  He/she is being recruited for the golf  program and the
               golf coach at Community College A wants to watch him/her play a round of golf at a local golf course.  Is the  golf coach allowed to pay for the
               high school recruit’s greens fees while on his/her recruiting trip?
                   No.  The golf coach may not pay for the high school recruit’s greens fees at a golf course on or off campus while the recruit  is on his/her
               official paid recruiting visit.
                                                                Case 8
                                                Official On-Campus Recruiting Visit with Parents

                   Community College A is recruiting Student-Athlete R for softball and intends to transport her to campus for an official visit.
               What expenses may Community College A incur if Student-Athlete R’s parents accompany her on the trip?
                   None.  Community College A may not incur any additional expenses relative to Student-Athlete R’s parents’ travel  (transportation,
               lodging, food, etc.).  In other words, if the hotel costs more due to the fact that three individuals are staying in  the room as opposed to one,
               the parents would have to incur the additional cost.

                                                                 Case 9
               SITUATION:                  Official Recruiting Visit – Hosting Football Bowl Game (off campus)
                   Potential Athlete B is on his official visit to Community College R.  The same weekend, Community College R is hosting an  NJCAA Football
               Bowl game at an off-campus facility.  Is Community College R permitted to take Potential Athlete B to the Bowl  Game?
                   No. Official recruiting visits are limited to on campus activities only.
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