Page 97 - (FINAL!) UPDATED 13.0) 2020-2021 HANDBOOK - SEPTEMBER 2020 EDITION_Neat
P. 97

10.   In collaboration with the NJCAA National Office, proposing an Association value statement on the importance of
                      intercollegiate athletics to colleges to be approved by the Board of Regents.
                11.   Selecting six (6) presidential representatives to the Board of Regents.
                12.   Consulting with the NJCAA officers on appointments of college presidents to committee memberships.
                13.   In collaboration with the NJCAA CEO, recommendations for Board approval, standard roles and responsibilities
                      of NJCAA member college presidents.
                      A. The NJCAA Presidential Advisory Council is comprised of twelve (12) to fifteen (15) members:
                          1.  Two (2) elected by and from each of the following sections:
                                 a. Southwest – Regions 1, 2, 5 and 14
                                 b. Northwest – Regions 6, 9, 13 and 18
                                 c. Central – Regions 4, 11, 16 and 24
                                 d. Northeast – Regions 3, 15, 19 and 21
                                 e. Southeast – Regions 8, 17, 22 and 23
                                 f.  East Central – Regions 7, 10, 12 and 20
                      B.  A maximum of three (3) at-large members may be selected and submitted by the Presidential Advisory
                         Council and approved by the Board of Regents to ensure representation of:
                              1.  male, female and ethnic minority diversity,
                              2.  scholarship divisions,
                              3.  diversity of presidential experience,
                              4.  participant from under represented regions.
                       C.  No two (2) elected members may be from the same region.
                       D.  Elections and terms shall be staggered to ensure continuity.
                              1.  Northwest and East Central (2019)
                              2.  Southwest and Southeast (2020)
                              3.  Northeast and Central (2021)
                       E.   Members must be current NJCAA member college presidents.
                       F.   The following timetable will be utilized in the election process:
                          February 1 – Nominations go to the Presidential Advisory Council (PAC).
                          March 1 - Board of Regents votes on nominees.

                                                  (formerly found in Article XV, Section 4)
               A.  Committee Chairperson
                              1.  Ensure meetings are held in accordance with the organization’s bylaws.
                              2.  In consultation with the NJCAA National Office, Vice-Chair and/or committee members, establish
                                 and confirm a committee agenda for all meetings.
                              3.  Ensure the meeting agenda and relevant documents are circulated as per NJCAA regulations.
                              4.  Officiate and conduct committee meetings.
                              5.  Provide  leadership  and  ensure  committee  members  are  aware  of  their  obligations  and
                              6.  Ensure that discussion on agenda items is on topic, productive and professional.
                              7.  Ensure  that  meeting  minutes,  as  well  as  respective  handbook  changes,  are  complete  and
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