Page 44 - Compilation - Stories 101(v2)
P. 44

Life Footprints – 37

                My First US Patent…………

                Two  remarkable  things  happened  in  1995  –  maiden  patent
               finalization and selection for MBA.

                Ours  was  supposedly  first  international  patent  from

               organization.  Though  draft  was  finalised,  but  couldn‟t  file
               patent as joined MBA program on 5  October.

                Politics  preceded  hard  work  and  my  patent  was  holdback  to
               crown one of the favorites. Their patent was filed before ours.

                Joining back, I could file patent in October 1996.

                However, our collective hard work won, USA patent granted in

               Dec, 1997; chums patent took nearly four years.

                Read  somewhere  that  “Luck  marches  with  those  who  give

               their very best”……..indeed my team did the best

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